Montpellier Institute of Evolutionary Sciences (ISEM)

UMR 5554

ISEM's research focuses on the origins and dynamics of biodiversity, as well as the modalities and mechanisms of its evolution. The unit's researchers are interested in both current and past biodiversity, studying a wide range of organisms and environments and combining field, experimental and theoretical approaches. This research integrates :

  • fundamental issues in evolutionary biology (adaptation, constraints, speciation, etc.) to understand the mechanisms behind biodiversity, its structure and functioning;
  • the acceleration of data production resources and the ability to understand the different structural and functional dimensions of living organisms (from genes to ecosystems), leading to a global understanding of the mechanisms behind biodiversity;
  • scientific and societal questioning about the responses of biodiversity (organisms and/or communities) to global and anthropogenic changes.

Label: Unité Mixte de Research (UMR)
Main supervisory bodies: CNRS, UM, IRD
Secondary supervisory bodies:
Research cluster: Agriculture, Environment, Biodiversity - AEB
Doctoral schools
: Information, Structures, Systems; Chemical and Biological Sciences for Health; Biodiversity, Agriculture, Food, Environment, Earth, Water


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