Training and doctoral schools
Doctoral schools attached to the Biology-Health cluster
CBS2 - Chemical and Biological Sciences for Health
The CBS2 doctoral school trains doctors in all areas of Biology-Health, from drug chemistry to clinical studies, from genes to behavior. Backed by the laboratories of the Pôle Biologie Santé and the Collège Doctoral de l'Université de Montpellier, it offers training through and for research, and prepares future PhDs for careers in both academia and the private sector.
SMH - Human Movement Sciences
Ecole Doctorale 463 "Sciences du Mouvement Humain" (Human Movement Sciences) brings together the research potential of the major universities in the south-east of France (Aix-Marseille, Montpellier and Nice) in the field of human movement and its nervous, physiological, mechanical, behavioral, cognitive and societal determinants.