EuroMov Digital Health in Motion (EuroMov DHM)

The "EuroMov Digital Health in Motion" research unit aims to foster the cross-fertilization of artificial intelligence, movement sciences and health sciences to understand human behavioral plasticity in order to improve sensorimotor performance and envisage new therapeutic approaches, and to find in it a scientific metaphor, a source of inspiration for new digital approaches: automatic learning or adaptive control of complex systems, human/machine interaction and context-sensitive software systems.

This line of research on "Digital Health in Motion" ultimately consists of gaining a better understanding of the etiology of human movement, considered as the level of integration of biological and cognitive phenomena, during our ongoing informational exchanges with the environment.

The research unit is organized into three scientific themes and two transversal axes:

  • Perception In Action & Synchronization (PIAS) theme: discover the laws governing human perception in moving agents (perception in action) and human-environment synchronization in general.
  • Monitoring and Improving Behaviors (MIB) theme: providing users with advice on how to improve their behaviors to achieve better health, quality of life or sporting performance, with a particular focus on software engineering.
  • Learning and Complexity Theme (LAC) focuses on the study of human learning and complexity through the signatures of health movement, clinical data and neural activity indicators, notably by developing interpretable models.
  • Semantics and Taxonomy of Movement (SemTaxM): identify taxonomic classifications of movement and define a theory of semantics supported by movement and models of semantics anchored in specific contexts.
  • The Factory transversal axis aims to improve the reproducibility of results and accelerate translational research and technology transfer by providing standardized, documented approaches with an open data dissemination strategy.

Label : UR_UM102
Tutelles principales : UM, IMT Mines Ales
Pôlede recherche: Biologie Santé
Écoles doctorales
: Information, Structures, Systèmes ; Sciences du mouvement humain
Portail HAL: publications de la structure


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