Institute of Human Genetics (IGH)

The IGH carries out outstanding fundamental research, with the aim of bringing it to fruition in the field of pathology. The main research themes are genome and chromatin dynamics, developmental genetics, epigenetic control and molecular and cellular pathologies.
Three major lines of research have been established within the IGH:
- Genome dynamics and epigenetic control. The main aspects of this research concern DNA replication, maintenance of genome integrity, recombination and meiosis, retrotransposition and its control, chromatin and nuclear organization, regulation of gene expression, and RNA silencing.
- Developmental genetics. This research relies heavily on model organisms such as Drosophila and transgenic mice. Topics covered include the cell cycle and microtubule dynamics, gonadal development, RNA regulation in development, neurogenetics and memory.
- Understanding, diagnosing and treating human pathologies. Our work focuses on DNA metabolism, epigenetic regulation and signaling pathways in cancer, the molecular basis of myogenesis, immunity, inflammatory diseases, AIDS, neurodegenerative diseases and cellular therapies.
Label: Unité Mixte de Research (UMR)
Main supervisory bodies: CNRS, UM
Research division: Biology and Health
Doctoral school: Chemical and Biological Sciences for Health
HAL portal: publications of the structure