Montpellier Institute of Molecular Genetics (IGMM)

The IGMM conducts excellent and innovative fundamental research with potential spin-offs in the biomedical field and in molecular and cellular medicine, in particular for treating cancer and certain infectious or genetic diseases.
The IGMM has a long-standing and internationally recognized reputation in the disciplinary fields that make up its main areas of research:
- RNA biology ;
- Gene regulation and epigenetics ;
- Tumorigenesis/Cell Cycle and Cell Death ;
- Immunology/Virology/Biotherapies.
In addition to these main thrusts, the IGMM also has an interdisciplinary cross-disciplinary thrust involving mathematical/computational modeling and machine learning to better understand the pathophysiological phenomena at the heart of its scientific interests.
Translational research plays an increasingly important role in IGMM research, with a growing number of hospital partnerships in and outside Montpellier, and the inclusion of hospital practitioners in its teams.
Label: Unité Mixte de Research (UMR)
Main supervisory bodies: CNRS, UM
Research division: Biology and Health
Doctoral school: Chemical and Biological Sciences for Health
HAL portal: publications of the structure