Institut de Research en Cancérologie de Montpellier (IRCM)

The IRCM develops cognitive, multidisciplinary and applied research in the field of oncology. This research involves both researchers and clinicians, and aims to understand the different stages of tumorigenesis, and ultimately to identify new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies against cancer.

The Institute's unifying theme is "Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapy: Discovery, Biology and Clinical Applications".

The teams' projects focus on 2 main areas:

  • Therapeutic antibodies in oncology: innovation, engineering, biological response ;
  • Plasticity of solid tumors and their microenvironment: phenotypic and pathway plasticity, genetic and epigenetic alterations, treatment resistance.

Label: Unité Mixte de Research (UMR)
Main supervisory bodies: UM, Inserm, ICM
cluster: Biology and Health
Doctoral schools
: Information, Structures, Systems; Chemical and Biological Sciences for Health
HAL portal: publications of the structure


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