Montpellier Neuroscience Institute (INM)

The Montpellier Neuroscience Institute is dedicated to studying the pathophysiology and therapies for sensory (hearing, vision, somesthesia) and motor deficits. In their research, the teams draw on multidisciplinary strategies such as molecular genetics, cellular imaging, electrophysiology and the study of integrated systems to develop preclinical trials.
The INM teams tackle a wide range of research topics:
- Genetics and therapy of retinal blindness ;
- Physiology and pathophysiology of the inner ear ;
- Development and pathophysiology of proprioceptive systems ;
- Physiology and therapeutic approaches to spinal cord disorders.
Label : Unité Mixte de Research (UMR)
Main supervisory bodies : UM, Inserm
Research cluster: Biology and Health
Doctoral school: Chemical and Biological Sciences for Health
HAL portal: publications de la structure