Pathogenesis and Control of Chronic and Emerging Infections (PCCEI)

A multi-disciplinary research unit made up of INSERM and EFS scientists, university and hospital staff.
Competent in the field of infectious diseases research, UMR 1058 promotes translational research, between fundamental and clinical research, on the pathogenesis, transmission and control of HIV, other chronic infections (hepatitis viruses, mycobacteria) and emerging infections (arboviruses, prions), most often in partnership with research teams in the French West Indies and southern countries (sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia).
UMR 1058 is supported by and has received research funding from ANRS, ANR, the European Union (EDCTP and FP7), NIH/NIDA and various foundations.
Label : Unité Mixte de Research (UMR)
Main supervisory bodies : UM, Inserm, EFS, U ANTILLES
Research cluster: Biology and Health
Doctoral school: Chemical and Biological Sciences for Health
HAL portal: publications of the structure