Institut Montpellierrain Alexander Grothendieck (IMAG)

The Institut Montpellierrain Alexander Grothendieck - IMAG - is a joint research unit of the CNRS and the University of Montpellier, with almost 170 members, and is located on the University's Triolet campus.

Research at IMAG covers a very broad spectrum, from fundamental mathematics to industrial applications, not forgetting didactics and epistemology.

The laboratory is structured around 4 research teams:

  • Geometry, Topology and Algebra (GTA) ;
  • Analyse, Calcul Scientifique Industriel et Optimisation de Montpellier (ACSIOM) ;
  • Probability and Statistics (EPS) ;
  • Didactics and Epistemology of Mathematics (DEMa).

It also has a joint project-team with Inria and HydroSciences Montpellier, the Lemon team, created in January 2019.
IMAG's research activities position it as one of the leading gateways to mathematics and its applications in the south of France.

Label: Unité Mixte de Research (UMR)
Main supervisory bodies: CNRS, UM
Secondary supervisory body:
Research cluster: Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics and Systems
Doctoral school: Information, Structures, Systems
HAL portal: structural publications


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