Space Observation, Models and Involved Science (Espace-Dev)
he UMR ESPACE-DEV conducts research into the spatial dynamics that characterize eco-sociosystems.
Its objectives are to define indicators of these dynamics: bio-geophysical, societal evolutions, risks linked to emerging diseases as a function of environmental parameters, changes and vulnerability of territories to global change.
To this end, she is developing methodologies in spatial remote sensing and knowledge integration.
Label: Unité Mixte de Research (UMR)
Main supervisory bodies: IRD, U RÉUNION, U GUYANE, U ANTILLES, U Nouvelle Calédonie, UPVD
Secondary supervisory body: UM
Research cluster: Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics and Systems
Doctoral schools: Information, Structures, Systems; Biodiversity, Agriculture, Food, Environment, Earth, Water
HAL portal: publications of the structure