Social Sciences Division (Soc)

The Pôle de Research Social Sciences de l'Université de Montpellier provides a forum for the coordination and synergy of research structures and players in the fields of law and political science, economics, education and management in Montpellier.

Cluster governance
  • Social Sciences Department Manager: Irène Georgescu
  • Administrative and management assistant: Corine Delesalle
  • Head of the "Human Resources" Law and Political Science Commission: Pascale Idoux
  • Head of the "Human Resources" Commission Economy: Guillaume Cheikbossian
  • Head of the "Human Resources" Commission Education: Sylvain Wagnon
  • Head of the Human Resources Commission Management: Jean-Marie Courrent

Pole Council

The Conseil de Pôle issues advisory opinions on the direction and implementation of the Pôle's actions and strategy.

Strategic Orientation Committee (COS)

The Strategic Orientation Committee provides a link between the Research cluster and its institutional partners. It participates in the definition of the Pôle's major scientific strategic orientations at Research , and gives its opinion on the action plan proposed by the Pôle's management at Research.

Human Resources Commission (CRH)

The Division comprises 4 Human Resources Commissions (CRH).

The Human Resources Commissions deal with issues specific to the staff of the University of Montpellier. Each Human Resources Commission issues an advisory opinion, in compliance with the statutory provisions specific to the teaching and research staff.

Key figures

  • 21 Social Sciences laboratories
  • 5 Partner establishments
  • 2 Support and Research units (UAR)
  • 4 doctoral schools
  • 2 Long-Term Thematic Projects (LTP)
  • to lead and communicate within the division, and to develop a scientific outlook ;
  • facilitating and coordinating responses to calls for cross-sectoral, regional, national or international projects;
  • to participate in the national and international influence of the research, actions and results of the Social Sciences community;
  • act as an interface between training and research;
  • through its 4 HR commissions, deal with specific human resources issues concerning staff at the University of Montpellier.
Scientific scope

The Social Sciences cluster brings together 21 research units in law and political science, economics, education and management, based in Montpellier and supported by :

  • 5 partner establishments of the University of Montpellier involved in the Pôle de Research Social Sciences(CIRAD, CNRS, INRAE, IRD and Institut Agro) ;itut Agro);
  • 2 Unités d'Appui et de Research (UAR): MSH SUD (Maison des Sciences de l'Homme SUD) andISDM (Institut de Science des Données de Montpellier);
  • 4 doctoral schools: DSP (Law and Political Science), EDEG (Economics and Management), LLCC (Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Civilizations), TTSD (Territory, Time, Societies and Development);
  • 2 Long Thematic Projects (LTP): "Entrepreneurship" and "Transitions Governance Society";
  • 10 Training and Teaching Units (Unités de Formation et de Research ), Schools and Institutes of the University of Montpellier in connection with the Pôle de Research Social Sciences.
Research structures

Partnered research structures :

Research hubs See more

Agenda All the agenda