Acteurs, Ressources et Territoires dans le DEVeloppement (ART-Dev)

The ART-Dev joint research unit explores the links between territories and contrasting development dynamics. Analysis of these links takes into account the mobilization of resources, strategies and configurations of actors affecting public policy, the economy and the environment. ART-Dev's scientific positioning covers a wide range of themes (rural, urban, environment, energy, migration, transport, etc.) and geographical areas (North and South).
One of the unit's original features is its ability to compare the South and the North, and contrasting situations within the same country. Its current scientific project revolves around 3 research axes and a cross-disciplinary program:
- axis 1: Rural recompositions and public policies ;
- axis 2: Natural resources and environmental regulation ;
- axis 3: Interfaces, anchorage and circulation in globalization
Transversal program: Asymmetries, public action and scale games.
Label: Unité Mixte de Research (UMR)
Main supervising bodies: CIRAD, CNRS, UPVM, UPVD
Secondary supervising bodies: UM
Research division: Social Sciences - SSOC
Doctoral schools: Economics Management; Territories, Time, Societies and Development
HAL portal: publications of the structure