Interdisciplinary Research Laboratory in Didactics, Education and Training (LIRDEF)
The LIRDEF develops research activities in the fields of education and training around 3 axes:

- Education, politics, society;
- Knowledge-Practice-Didactics ;
- Work, Training, Professionalities.
These activities focus in particular on teaching/learning processes, the activity of actors in a professional context, the processes of socialization, professionalization and identity construction, as well as "educations for", the history of teaching, and the engineering of situations with educational aims.
LIRDEF is currently involved in several nationally and internationally funded research projects.
LIRDEF is a support laboratory for the ACEF (Analyses et Conception en Education et Formation, UPVM, UM), DDS (Didactique Des Sciences, UM, Univ. Lyon 1, ENS Lyon) and the 4 streams of the MEEF master's program (Métiers de l'Enseignement, de l'Éducation et de la Formation, UM), as well as a scientific partner for the Centre d'Etudes, de Documentation et de Recherches en Histoire de l'Education of the Montpellier Faculty of Education.
Label : UR_UM208
Tutelles principales : UM, UPVM
Pôle de recherche : Sciences Sociales - SSOC
Écoles doctorales : Information, Structures, Systèmes ; Langues, Littératures, Cultures et Civilisations ; Territoires, Temps, Sociétés et Développement
Portail HAL: publications de la structure