Montpellier Research in Economics (MRE)

The host team's research themes correspond to the societal challenges of the MUSE I-Site ("Nourish - Care - Protect").

The unit's research activities are structured around 3 thematic axes organized around two research issues:

Setting regulatory and social standards for a protected future:

  • emergence of norms, behaviors and equity ;
  • standards, administrative authorities and negotiated procedures.

Stimulating innovation for a transition to sustainable development :

  • innovation behavior, risk management and sustainable finance ;
  • regulatory institutions, transitions and sustainable innovation.

Implementing and evaluating responsible public policies :

  • competition policy, innovation and sustainable development ;
  • health policies, social justice and inequalities.

Label : UR_UM209
Main supervisory body : UM
Research division :
Social Sciences - SSOC
Doctoral school :
Economics Management
HAL portal: publications of the structure


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