Montpellier Research en Management (MRM)

EA 4557

MRM is an original structure in the French landscape of management laboratories, bringing together institutions of different types (university and Grande École) across a vast regional territory. MRM is the largest management laboratory in France in terms of the number of members, giving it critical mass both nationally and internationally.

Its activities cover the major management science specialties (Accounting and Society, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Human Resources Management, Marketing, Strategic Management, Organizations, Information Systems) and 3 transdisciplinary areas (agri-food management, health management, responsible management and sustainable development).

Label : UR_UM210
Tutelle principale : UM
Tutelle secondaire :
de recherche : Sciences Sociales - SSOC
École doctorale
: Economie Gestion
Portail HAL: publications de la structure


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