Faculty of Pharmacy
General presentation
The UFR of Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences in Montpellier, with its 200-year history, offers optimal study conditions in a privileged environment. On a human scale, located on a 3-hectare campus and surrounded by sports facilities, it benefits from a dynamic student community life. From the outset, it has developed highly employable training programs, responding to scientific and societal challenges. The Faculty has also given an essential dimension to Montpellier's pharmaceutical sciences, by promoting the development of research units in fields of excellence such as chemistry, the environment, agro-sciences, etc.
Director: Vincent Lisowski
Administrative Director: Joel Inguimbert
Deputy Administrative Director: Delphine LAMBERT
Key figures
- 2,647 students
- 43 university professors
- 9 university professors - hospital practitioners (PU-PH)
- 75 senior lecturers
- 8 senior lecturers - hospital practitioners (MCU-PH)
- 21 other teaching staff (PRAG, PRCE, PAST, AHU, ATER, doctoral students on contract)
- 128 IATOSS staff
The Faculty of Pharmacy offers national professional diplomas, which include a large number of internships as part of their training, enabling better integration into the professional world.
- Diplôme d'Etat de Docteur en Pharmacie & Diplômes d'Études Spécialisés (DES)
- Diplôme National d'Œnologie
- State Diploma in Audioprosthetics
- Professional degree in health product promotion
- Licence Pro PAC (Perfumes, Flavors and Cosmetics)
- Licence 2 and 3 Health Engineering
- Master of Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Master of Health Engineering
- Master in Nutrition and Food Science (Master Edamus)
- Master in Biology and Health
- Master EAU
- University Certificates & Diplomas (DU)