Boards and committees

Board of Directors

Composed of 36 members - 28 of whom are directly elected by the university community using a proportional representation system - the Board of Directors determines the school's policy.

In this sense, it :

  • gives its opinion on the major orientations of the five-year contract,
  • votes the budget and approves the accounts for all the University's components (UFR, Institutes, Schools),
  • also decides on the allocation of jobs,
  • sets the assessment procedures for the various diplomas awarded,
  • validates the by-laws of components and their internal structures,
  • exercises disciplinary authority over teachers-researchers and users,
  • takes the final decision on proposals submitted by the Research Commission and the Commission for Training and University Life in their respective fields.

Board calendar - 1st half 2024-2025 - Board composition

Board deliberations: Public access - UM personal access

Academic Council

Comprising 80 elected members divided into 2 commissions of 40 members each (the Research Commission and the Education and University Life Commission), the Academic Council ensures consistency and coordination between education and research policies.

The Academic Council has decision-making powers in certain areas. The same applies to the Research and Training and University Life commissions.

In plenary session, the Academic Council :

  • is consulted on, or may make recommendations concerning, the direction of policies on training, research, the dissemination of scientific, technical and industrial culture, and scientific and technical documentation, on the qualifications to be given to vacant or requested teaching-research and research posts, on the application for accreditation referred to in article L. 613-1, and on the establishment's contract;
  • proposes to the Board of Directors a multi-year master plan for disability policy, covering all areas related to disability;
  • is consulted on all measures aimed at guaranteeing the exercise of students' academic, trade union and political freedoms.

In 2016, disciplinary authority over teachers-researchers, teachers and users will be exercised in the first instance by the Academic Council's disciplinary section. (L. 712-6-2).

In restricted formation, the Academic Council is the competent body for :

  • examining individual issues relating to the recruitment, assignment and career of teacher-researchers.
  • deliberate on the integration of civil servants from other bodies into the corps of teacher-researchers, and on the recruitment or renewal of temporary teaching and research assistants.

It is made up of equal numbers of men and women, with equal representation of university professors and other teacher-researchers.

CAC calendar - 1st half 2024-2025 - CAC membership

CAC deliberations: Public access - UM personal access

Training and University Life Committee

The Training and University Life Commission (CFVU) of the Academic Council adopts :

  • the distribution of training resources as allocated and defined by the Board of Directors;
  • rules governing examinations ;
  • rules for assessing teaching ;
  • measures aimed at ensuring the success of as many students as possible;
  • measures to help students find their bearings and validate their prior learning, to facilitate their entry into working life and to encourage cultural, sporting, social and community activities;
  • measures to improve living and working conditions, in particular measures relating to support activities, university and school facilities, medical and social services, libraries and documentation centers, and access to digital resources;
  • measures to promote and develop interactions between science and society, initiated and led by students or teacher-researchers;
  • the measures required to welcome and support students with disabilities or disabling health conditions, in line with the obligations incumbent on higher education establishments.

It is consulted on component training programs.

CFVU calendar - CFVU composition

CFVU Deliberations:Public access - UM staff access

Commission de la Research

Its role is to :

  • allocate the resources earmarked for research by the Board of Directors, subject to the strategic framework for its distribution (also defined by the Board of Directors);
  • set the operating rules for the laboratories;

It is consulted on agreements with research organizations.

It adopts measures to enable students to develop activities to disseminate scientific, technical and industrial culture.

CR calendars - CR membership

CR deliberations: Public access - UM personal access

Social Committee of Administration (CSA)

CSA calendar

Joint Works Council (CPE)

The Commission Paritaire d'Établissement is consulted on individual decisions concerning BIATS staff members.

It prepares the work of the joint administrative commissions concerning these employees.

Specialized training in Health, Safety and Working Conditions (F3SCT)

F3SCT (Formation spécialisée en Santé Sécurité et des Conditions de Travail) contributes to protecting the health and safety of employees and improving their working conditions.

The F3SCT is consulted before any decision is taken to make major changes to health and safety conditions or working conditions.

For example, F3SCT must be involved in the search for solutions concerning the physical organization of work, the physical working environment, working hours, the organization of working time (night work, etc.), new technologies and their impact on employees' working conditions.

F3SCT may also be consulted on any matter within its remit.

Research Ethics Committee (REC)

The University of Montpellier's Research Ethics Committee, created on February 8, 2022, is an independent and impartial forum for reflection, open to several disciplines. It offers lecturers and researchers the opportunity to submit their research projects and protocols involving the human person, particularly those concerning issues of personal data and privacy, for an ethical opinion.

In setting up this committee, Philippe Augé, President of the University of Montpellier, has demonstrated the UM's commitment to honest, ethical and responsible research since its transformation into an experimental public institution.

The creation of this Research Ethics Committee reinforces the measures put in place by the University of Montpellier to promote awareness of the importance of ethical and deontological principles in the face of the questions raised by scientific progress and its repercussions on contemporary society, whatever the field of research. The Research Ethics Committee can now be called upon by project sponsors to :

  • ethical advice on the development of new protocols;
  • ethical advice in support of funding applications;
  • ethical advice to support responses to internal calls for projects, as well as regional, national and international calls for projects;
  • ethical advice at the request of scientific journals.

However, this committee does not deal with interventional (or biomedical) research, which is governed by the Jardé law and its implementing decree, and therefore by specific bodies.

All practical information is published on the UM intranet site. The secretariat of this body is provided by the Research and Doctoral Studies Department (DRED).

Organization, governance and bodies See more