BIO'OCC: Biotherapies and Bioproduction in Occitania

Bio'Occ is a project financed by the French government as part of the France 2030 plan. This regionally ambitious initiative aims to attract, train and retain the talents and players of tomorrow by developing specialized training in the field of Biotherapies and Bioproduction.

At a time when the biotech sector is expanding both in the Occitanie region and nationally, Bio'Occ meets a specific demand from manufacturers who are facing recruitment challenges. By creating a dynamic and innovative ecosystem, this project promises to transform the biotech landscape in the region, while supporting the growth of companies and preparing tomorrow's professionals to meet the challenges of the future.

This project has benefited from a French government grant managed by the Agence Nationale de la Research under the France 2030 program, reference ANR-23-CMAS-0004.

A four-pronged project to meet the objectives of the AMI CMA.

  1. Adapt existing training courses:
    Improve their relevance to needs by strengthening partnerships with industry and setting up teaching platforms.
  2. Complement the existing training offer:
    Meet specific skills needs in initial and continuing training.
  3. Develop forward-looking tools:
    Better target changing needs and adapt training programs on an ongoing basis.
  4. Roll out communication initiatives:
    Improve the attractiveness of the professions and the social acceptability of biotherapies.

The courses concerned at the University of Montpellier.

BAC +3

BAC +5

Bio'Occ: a wide network of partners

Université de Montpellier - The future since 1220

UM operational team

Laila Gannoun, Thérèse Commes, Estelle Grousseau, Anne-Dominique Lajoix, John de Vos, Pierre Morange, Camélia Sennaoui

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