UM2030 - IDEES: IDEX and ISITE integration and development

The France 2030 UM2030- IDéES program, which stands for "Integration and development of IdEx and ISITE", aims to reinforce the central role played by the University of Montpellier by integrating all I-SITE consortium partners in a shared approach.

Funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR), IDéES, led by François Pierrot, Vice President, International Relations, proposes to develop large-scale initiatives to meet the three major challenges of "Nourish-Care-Protect" in three areas:

  • Strategic international partnerships
  • Data science for all sciences
  • Innovation Campus

Program components

International and strategic partnerships

The Strategic International Partnerships component aims to raise the site's international profile through international initiatives that address the priorities of the UM and its partners, as well as the Nourrir-Soigner-Protéger challenges.

Its aim is to strengthen the Montpellier site's ability to act as a gateway to and from other countries, with a focus on the South, and to facilitate synergy between the members of the I-SITE consortium and the complementarity of their international tools and platforms.

Founding principles

  • Strengthen international relations around the strengths of the Montpellier site.
  • Build alliances and develop action programs.

3 thematic Key World Initiatives are being developed to stimulate exchanges and collaborations in an open science dynamic:

Data science for all sciences

Sub-programme coordinator: Anne Laurent, Vice-President for Open Science and Data at the French Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development. Research

Data Science for All Sciences" will transform practices in a sustainable way, guiding all players towards data science by building an efficient and sustainable environment.

The activities of this project are organized into three sub-axes to promote good practice in data management and exploitation. These activities are as follows:

  • Support to meet community needs. The engineers recruited work in fields such as research data management, biostatistics and bioinformatics. A "data clinic" is currently being set up, starting with a Master's degree at the University of Montpellier's Faculty of Science, in conjunction with the Institut Agro Montpellier. Its aim is to provide a permanent presence for Master's students to meet the needs of the "biology-health" communities. It is intended to be extended to other courses and to all communities.
  • Training: training courses have been set up and are planned, targeting non-experts (e.g. Bataille de l'AI or Scikit-Learn training) as well as experts (e.g. OneData training for interCloud data exchange), and targeting cross-disciplinary knowledge as well as expertise and/or disciplinary needs. 
  • Data services to set up dedicated user environments to facilitate the use of tools and the adoption of best practices. For example, a tabular data anonymization environment is proposed.

A cross-functional approach is adopted, with seminars and events most often co-organized with scientific communities.

Innovation Campus

Sub-programme coordinator: Philippe Combette, Vice-President in charge of partnerships and innovation

The "Innovation Campus " component of the Pôle Universitaire d'Innovation de Montpellier (PUI de Montpellier) offers a complete innovation pipeline and strengthens the University's ability to raise funds from the private sector.

The general framework of the Innovation Campus is part of the site's innovation strategy, supported by the Montpellier PUI, a structuring project led by the University of Montpellier and implemented in close collaboration with 13 institutional partners.

This project was conceived at the start of 2022, in line with the MUSE Initiative of Excellence, which has now been made permanent, and was one of the 5 pilot sites chosen by the MESR at national level. This strategy is thus the place where several axes resonate, notably the one linked to the creation of start-ups.

The Innovation Campus component of the UM2030 project aims in particular to strengthen the entrepreneurship support system by creating a dedicated team within the INITIUM Incubator and setting up a "PEPITE DeepTech incubation pathway" throughout the PUI. It also provides funding for the winning innovative projects of the Montpellier Innovation Booster - BIM program.

Emblematic projects See more