Student jobs and civic service volunteers
Student jobs
Universities can recruit and employ students to carry out various types of activities, such as welcoming students, assisting and supporting disabled students, tutoring and supporting library staff. These contracts are concluded for a maximum period of 12 months, with working hours not exceeding half-time during the university period and compatible with the pursuit of studies.
Civic service volunteers
The Civic Service commitment is the main form of civic service, aimed at young people aged 16 to 25. It involves :
- a voluntary commitment lasting 6 to 12 months to carry out a mission of general interest in one of the nine areas recognized as priorities for the nation: culture and leisure, international development and humanitarian action, education for all, environment, emergency response, memory and citizenship, health, solidarity, sport;
- at least 24 hours per week ;
- giving rise to the payment of an allowance covered by the State, and additional support, in kind or in cash, covered by the host organization;
- entitling them to a comprehensive state-funded social protection scheme.