Conference - debate "Encouraging sporting activity in everyday life

  • Category:
  • Dates : October 28, 2021
  • Timetable: 7.15pm - 10.00pm
  • Location:

Montpellier Corum, salle Pasteur.

The conference will open with a talk by Sonia Lavadinho (anthropologist, Lausane; details at end of page) on The body in motion in the city. This will be followed by 3 presentations on the themes of physical activity in the city, at work and its impact on health.

1 - Physical activity and transport policy

Today, physical activity and, more broadly, the way in which the body moves in the city, play a major role in the physical and psychological well-being of citizens. The whole population is affected by these factors, because of their influence on the body and its major transitions throughout life. Julie Frêche will present how the Metropolis of Montpellier organizes and shares its roadways, in particular by designing the city at "children's height", which integrates these principles and encourages the practice of regular physical activity.

2 - Physical activity at work

We all know that a change in habits, such as regular physical activity, requires a change in behavior. To encourage this, Banque Populaire is launching its United Heroe application, presented by Sébastien Baggio. The aim of this application is to encourage employees to take part in a collective project, while developing the "quality of life at work" aspect thanks to the practice of physical and sporting activities.

3 - Physical activity and health

One of the key principles of behavioral transition is to raise awareness, without constraint, of habits and behaviors that increase health risks on a daily basis. The Viveoptim project, led by MGEN and presented by Virginie Femery, aims to use various levers to encourage sustainable behavior change. The main ones are to assess people's exercise habits, to compare them with what is commonly accepted, and to provide tools for practising sports outdoors.