Simian malaria: understand, act, eliminate

  • Category: Conference
  • Dates : January 29, 2024
  • Timetable: 5 to 6.30 p.m.
  • Location: Faculty of Pharmacy, Amphi J

Sylvie Manguin, Director of Research at the IRD, medical and molecular entomologist at the UMR Hydrosciences Montpellier, and winner of the Académie des Sciences' Tremplin ASEAN Prize, presents a lecture on innovative approaches to the study of simian malaria transmission in endemic areas of Thailand.

Malaria, a parasitic disease whose pathogens are transmitted by mosquitoes, continues to be a global public health challenge. The study of simian malaria is of particular importance in Thailand, where its recent transmission is on the rise. This conference will explore the reasons for this emergence, the biological characteristics of the vectors, the dynamics of transmission, and vector control methods.

Sylvie Manguin's research focuses on mosquitoes and their role in the transmission of disease-causing pathogens (malaria, dengue fever, chikungunya, etc.). This line of research has been identified as a priority in Thailand, where the elimination of malaria is scheduled for 2025.

Conference open to all.

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