A l'UM la science [S03-ep06]: Stellar magnetic fields

This week in A l'UM la science, Julien Morin, researcher at the Universe and Particles Laboratory in Montpellier (LUPM) talks about the magnetic field of the star AD Leonis. Our report takes you to the Station Méditerranéenne de l'Environnement Littoral(Smel) in Sète to discover aquaponics. A program broadcast every Wednesday at 6pm on Divergence FM 93.9.

On October 13, Hubert Reeves, one of the fathers of French astrophysics, joined the stars. Professor of nuclear physics at the University of Montreal and Nasa advisor in the early 60s, he moved to Belgium and then France in 1965 at the invitation of the CNRS, which offered him a position as director of research. In 1971, together with two of his students, he published an article that revolutionized our knowledge of the elements produced during the life of stars. At the same time, he demonstrated an uncanny talent for popularizing science, which would later lead him to appear on television, notably on the unforgettable Nuit des étoiles, which marked a whole generation. Even today Patience dans l'azur and Poussières d'étoile are still classics for sky-lovers, and the source of many vocations.

And perhaps that's the case with our guest. He's a researcher at the Universe and Particles Laboratory in Montpellier. We welcomed him to this studio in 2021 to talk about a young exoplanet discovered thanks to Spirou, a spectropolarimeter and planet hunter developed for the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. Today we're back with him to talk about a new publication on the magnetic field of the red dwarf Ad Leonis, published in Astronomy and Astrophysics.

In the second half of the program, we continue our visit to the Mediterranean Coastal Environment Station, where we discover the new aquaponics training unit. Gérard Sposito, in charge of the aquaculture division's continuing education department, explains how fish can be raised and plants cultivated in the same system.

At UM la science you've got the program, let's go!

Coproduction: Divergence FM / Université de Montpellier
Lucie Lecherbonnier
: Aline Périault / Lucie Lecherbonnier
Reporting and editing: Aline Périault / Lucie Lecherbonnier
Production : Tom Chevalier

Listen to the program "A l'UM la science" on Divergence FM 93.9

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