[LUM#17] The innovation part

The seventeenth issue of Lum magazine is dedicated to innovation, one of the university's key missions.

According to Amerindian legend, it's always possible to act, no matter how powerless we feel in the face of the challenges we face. So, while a huge fire was devouring the forest, leaving the animals petrified by the scale of the catastrophe, the hummingbird was busy between the pond and the flames. Each time it passed, the courageous bird emptied a few drops from its tiny beak, a paltry gesture in the face of the fire's intensity. "What are you up to? asked the other animals. "Do you think you can put out the fire with just a few drops? No," he replied, "but I'm doing my bit.

While the university does not claim to be able to change the world on its own, it does have the ambition to contribute to it by putting its discoveries and results at the service of society. We invite you to discover this innovative aspect of our public service mission on the pages of this new, enlarged issue, which includes access to videos produced by the UM and podcasts of the A l'UM la science program.

From eco-friendly chemistry to cutting-edge surgery, from ocean preservation to new drug development, from safety to health, this issue of Lum gives you a glimpse of the positive impact university research can have when put to work for society.

Meet the researchers, students and all those who contribute in one way or another to these success stories, by doing their bit.

(If you would like to receive a paper copy of Lum, please send an e-mail to the communications department, specifying your contact details and your mailbox.)

Articles in this issue
