Results of the "Défis Verts 2021" campaign
Following the"Défis Verts 2021" call for projects aimed at students and staff of the University of Montpellier to propose projects to improve sustainability on their university campus, 12 quality projects (visible on the UNI-ECO online platform ) were proposed, in response to the 4 thematic challenges posed this year.
- Practices that will bring the university closer to zero waste
- Reducing the carbon footprint of university transportation
- Actions to strengthen and enhance biodiversity
- Reducing the ecological footprint of university catering
The UNI-ECO selection committee met on April 7, 2021 and decided to support and accompany the formalization of the following projects:
- MOBILAN: A carbon footprint simulator in the form of a web application, designed to raise students' awareness of the greenhouse gas emissions induced by their mobility.
- Ressourcerie Etudiante Solidaire (RES): A ressourcerie project focusing on furniture for students at the University of Montpellier.
- Bouge ta Finance: Creation of a Green Finance tool to combat global warming and environmental degradation.
- Les nichoirs de l'espoir / Chouette une crécerelle ! / IUTBioNature: Manufacture and installation of nesting boxes and insect hotels in green spaces at various Montpellier University sites. As these 3 projects have similar objectives, they are invited to complement each other and combine their strengths.
- MAYA: Setting up an apiary with five beehives on the Montpellier IUT campus
The selected projects will now enter a maturation phase and will be resubmitted to the UNI-ECO committee in mid-June 2021. The best teams will have the opportunity to present their projects to an international community at the UNI-ECO summer school in July, and will benefit from personalized coaching and a unique opportunity for international networking.
Feel free to follow the progress of selected projects by participating in Living Labs (anyone with an institutional e-mail address can create a profile and comment on current projects).