Sport (SUAPS)
WINTER HOLIDAY no classes, gym and offices closed from February 24 to March 02, 2025.
The SUAPS of the University of Montpellier is the sports service accessible to all students of the University of Montpellier. You can register throughout the year via your ENT, and no medical certificate is required.
practise a sporting activity
Reservation (New)
For your reservations, SUAPS is evolving
From now on, when slots, sites or events are bookable, you must go through AFFLUENCES.
Please note that slots can only be booked within a certain period of time.
At day minus 7, the slot becomes bookable and, depending on the activity, remains accessible from 1 day to 1 hour before it starts.
After booking, if you are unable to attend, please cancel your booking by sending us an e-mail. This will enable us to reopen the slot for another student.
When a slot is canceled, a place will become available, so please check back regularly.
How do I register?
Registration is year-round!
- Students no longer need to present a medical certificate, and registrations are made online via ENT, using the SUAPS pre-registration box in the student life section;
- staff must certify that they can practice. Registrations are made online on ENT via the SUAPS Pre-Registration box in the "My file" section;
- students have priority.
If you are a student of the University of Montpellier and have paid the CVEC :
New for 2024-2025, you won't need to go anywhere - registration will be paperless, and you won't even need a medical certificate.
If you have not paid the CVEC (for continuing education students only): contact SUAPS by e-mail.
What sporting activity?
Programs :
- SUAPS Montpellier
- SUAPS Nîmes
- SUAPS Béziers
- SUAPS Carcassonne
- SUAPS Mende (coming soon)
- SUAPS Perpignan (coming soon)
- SUAPS Sète
Enjoy 40 activities:
- team sports: basketball, soccer, futsal, handball, rugby, volleyball ;
- combat sports: English boxing, French boxing, judo, karate, capoeira, kick boxing ;
- physical maintenance: fitness, gymnastics, weight training, yoga, step, pilates, physical condition, muscle strengthening ;
- dance: modern jazz dance, rock'n'roll dance, salsa dance, zumbaa, classical dance, lindy hop, solo jazz, Latin dance ;
- water sports: swimming, lifesaving ;
- racket sports: badminton, tennis, table tennis, padel ;
- other sports: athletics, climbing ;
- new: cross-training, yoga, ultimate.
And all year round, SUAPS organizes events: scuba diving, rock climbing and much more...
SUAPS in figures
Academic year 2023 - 2024
- More than 1,900 members
- 11 tenured teachers
- 34 part-time teachers
- 13 student contracts
- 6 administrative staff
- 4 Montpellier sports campuses (CSU, PUS, PHARMACIE , RICHTER)
- 400 hours of weekly teaching
- 45 sports activities
- 1000 members taking part in university competitions
- 1000 students enrolled in option, UE, ELC sport
Option and UE Sport
Earn points on your grade point average.
Several components of the University of Montpellier offer you the possibility of integrating sport into your university curriculum. You'll need to check that the activity you choose is compatible with your timetable (location, day, schedule, level).
The sports option consists of 10 consecutive sessions over a semester.
What to do?
- Please contact my school for more information;
- Then validate my request by answering the questionnaire sent to my university e-mail address (by my school or SUAPS).
- At my first session, I indicated my Optionnaire status to the teacher so that he could give me my attendance card, which I then had to present to him at each session to have it validated.
The components define :
- the course(s) open to L'OPTION/UE /ELC SPORT;
- the number of points awarded on the overall average.
Regulations :
The sports offered for these options and UEs, and the timetables, can be downloaded from the SUAPS program. Options and UEs are identified by the names of the "evaluating" teachers.
Compulsory 10 sessions, with a maximum of one session per week. Depending on the activity, a session corresponds to a class of 1h30 to 2h00.
Three evaluation criteria :
- investment ;
- progress made ;
- the level reached.
Assessment is based on an Integral Continuous Assessment: three tests out of the 10 sessions, the last one being the second chance.
Before registering, I must check that the sport I wish to practice is evaluated, that the slot is compatible with my schedule and/or take into account my training weeks.
Top-level athlete
Would you like to apply for elite status?
The University of Montpellier wants to give top-level athletes the resources they need to pursue their university studies.
To qualify as a top-level athlete
To qualify as a top-level athlete, you must :
- or be registered on the ministerial lists;
- either in a PPF-recognized training structure or in the training center of a professional club, or under an employment contract with a professional club;
- be a judge, referee or high-level sports coach;
- or meet the criteria of this downloadable list.
High-level athlete status gives access to study and/or exam accommodations, which are the responsibility of each component.
When registering at the University of Montpellier, athletes wishing to obtain the status of high-level sports student must apply online via the University of Montpellier website.
Completed applications will be examined by the University's high-level sports commission, which will award high-level sports student status. Please note that incomplete applications will be rejected.
1st committee:
- Online registration start date: Monday, July 8, 2024
- Online registration deadline: Monday, September 09, 2024
- Deadline for submitting supporting documents to SUAPS: Monday, September 09, 2024
- Commission date: Thursday, September 26, 2024
2nd committee:
- Online registration start date: Monday, September 16, 2024
- Online registration deadline: Tuesday, October 08, 2024
- Deadline for submitting supporting documents to SUAPS: Tuesday, October 08, 2024
- Commission date: Thursday, October 17, 2024
3rd committee:
- Online registration start date :November 04, 2024
- Online registration deadline: Thursday, December 5, 2024
- Deadline for submitting supporting documents to SUAPS: Thursday, December 5, 2024
- Commission date: Thursday, December 12, 2024
Competitive sports
The Association Sportive de l'Université de Montpellier (ASUM) takes part in university and inter-university sports competitions organized by the Fédération Française du Sport Universitaire (FFSU).
ASUM's missions
- encourage student participation in university competitions;
- represent the University of Montpellier in university competitions.
ASUM may contribute to the travel expenses of FFSU-licensed students from the University of Montpellier for university competitions:
- refund procedure;
- operating procedures;
- standard quotation to be submittedbefore the moveat ASUM Treasurer :
French University Sports Federation (FFSU)
FFSU organizes academic-level competitions in all individual and team sports, and trains you free of charge as a referee. Sports competitions open to students:
- Academy championships ;
- French championships ;
- international meetings.
How to get involved
Would you like to take part in university competitions? To do so, you need a FFSU multi-sport license. To obtain one, click here.
University pole
Please note that registration is subject to acceptance on Parcoursup.
Judo training center
Possibility of obtaining high-level status
- schooling arrangements ;
- promoting sports as part of the curriculum ;
- supervision, participation and support during FFSU championships ;
- evening training sessions, physical and mental preparation and specific follow-up.
In the STAPS field :
- with a specialization in motor skills education: become a certified or agrégé PE teacher, as well as a school teacher;
- mention Entrainement sportif: become a physical trainer, coach or trainer. In Montpellier, federal agreements will enable you to enrich your CV with numerous complementary diplomas (BF1&2 Weightlifting, BF1&2 Athletic Strength, Bodybuilding, Functional training, fitness, kettle bell - MNS ...).
For these 2 courses, under certain conditions, you can benefit from the STAPS-FFjudo agreement and become a judo teacher in a club; - APA specialization: become an adapted physical activity professional, specializing in sports activities for adapted populations;
- MS specialization: organize large-scale sporting events, become a specialist in communications and sports facilities development.
The UFR STAPS also offers a dozen University Diplomas for initial or continuing training.