Association Carabine Montpelliéraine (ACM)
The association's activities and objectives
ACM is a non-profit, apolitical and non-denominational association governed by the French law of 1901, which aims to represent Montpellier's medical students.
Enjoying close relations with the PASS/LAS tutoring service and the UFR Médecine teaching team, ACM offers students the most reliable course materials and annals possible, as well as other services.
What's more, ACM is part of the local (Z'élus associatifs) and national (ANEMF - Association Nationale des Étudiants en Médecine de France) student representation network, bringing its demands to the attention of administrative and governmental bodies.

ACM also organizes public health initiatives, cultural events and, of course, parties to liven up student life in Montpellier, in particular the famous Gala Médecine.
- Chairman: Esteban Serre
- Treasurer: Juliette Mariot
- Secretary: Juliette Blazy
- VP Communication / Events / Webmaster: Dorian Lacoste & Pauline Chabanis
- VP Partnerships: Carrie Artero
- VP Health and Social Innovation: Carlota Socheleau & Pauline Chatenet
- VP Culture: Thomas Marcouïre & Camille Sechet
- VP Representation: Faustine Nogaret
- VP Gala: Foda Abou Khalil & Pierre Vedel
- VP Paces / Studies / Papa P2: Zakarie Sellam
- VP Echanges: Anouk Evrard & Clara Boin
- VP Animation: Mathis Ruy & Baptiste Moyne-Bressand