Montpellier Association of Student Midwives (AMESF)

The association's activities and objectives

The Association Montpelliéraine des Étudiants-e-s Sages-Femmes (AMESF) aims to support all student midwives in the Montpellier Maieutics Department during their five years of study.

This support takes the form of help with schooling, notably through explanatory booklets at the start of the year for the L2, L3, M1 and M2 classes, the provision of course printouts, the preparation of yearbooks and the purchase of course materials at reduced prices.

The association is also committed to defending and representing student midwives, whether at local level via AGEM (Association Générale des Étudiants Montpelliérains) or at national level via ANESF (Association Nationale des Étudiants-e-s Sages-Femmes).

AMESF also takes a keen interest in social issues, which is why it takes part in events such as Octobre Rose, the Téléthon, Sidaction, the Hôpital des Nounours and the Montpellier Reine. This year, she is once again organizing a concert in aid of the "Naître en Rose" association.

The association provides two services for its members:

  • SOS Nounou puts student midwives in touch with parents looking for childcare;
  • the sale of fruit and vegetable baskets from a local producer.

Last but not least, it offers a range of activities that are as convivial as they are unifying, such as wellness workshops, inter-promotional meals and the traditional end-of-year Gala.
Despite the current health crisis, we try to keep in touch as much as possible with our members via social networks and by organizing remote events (virtual BU to revise together, game workshops, workshops to exchange and share internship experiences, book sharing, sophrology, yoga, awareness-raising through Facebook and Instagram posts, etc.).

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