BDE Polytech

The association's activities and objectives

A key player in student life at Polytech Montpellier, the student office (BDE) comprises :

  • A sports office (BDS Polytech Montpellier) which manages all the school's sports activities and organizes major inter-school events.
  • An arts office (BDA Polytech Montpellier) with clubs for music, dance, theater, photography, etc.
  • On the sustainable development front, students can join Polyearth, a club dedicated to raising awareness of the ecological and energy transition, responsible eating, the circular economy and the social and civic revolution.

Non-exhaustive list of active BDA clubs: Polyrole (role-playing), Polybeats (mixing), Ludotech (board games), Musitech (music group), Polymove (dance), Polypix (photography), Polycook (cooking), Japantech (Japanese culture), Polybière (craft beer making), Dramatech (theater), etc.

Non-exhaustive list of sports activities offered by the BDS: cheerleading, soccer, basketball, boxing, tennis, hiking, handball, volleyball, athletics, running, etc.

Throughout the year, the BDE :

  • Offers extra-curricular activities for engineering students and association members.
  • Develops cohesion between student-engineers and the school's teaching staff.
  • Integrates and represents engineering students within the University of Montpellier.
  • Promotes BNEI (Bureau National des Élèves Ingénieurs) and BREI Languedoc Roussillon (Bureau Régional des Élèves Ingénieurs) to enable students to benefit from the strength of the student-engineer network.

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