Nîmes Student Midwifery Bureau (BDESFN)
The association's activities and objectives
Since 2001, the BDESFN association has brought together midwifery students from different graduating classes. This office has created a number of projects for students (integration weekend, parties, gala), as well as preventive actions (fight against AIDS, humanitarian project in a Third World country).

The purpose of the BDESFN is to :
- to represent and defend the material and moral interests of student midwives at both local and national level;
- organize student events of all kinds (parties, Gala Sage-Femme, Women's Day);
- set up prevention initiatives and/or take part in humanitarian actions, both locally and internationally (Sidaction);
- promote student integration within the midwifery school and student life.
- President: Charlotte GAUBERT
- Secretary: Anaelle DEVAUX
- Treasurer: Élisa MORRA
- VP Higher Education: Aurélie DUART
- VP Prevention Citizenship Solidarity: Xavier PASCAL
- VP Partnership: Enora JAN
- VP Derivatives: Noellie RATIER
- VP Events: Camille BRENAS & Sophia PALFRAY