Humanitarian Pharma

The association's activities and objectives

Founded in 2000, Pharma-Humanitaire is involved in a number of public health initiatives, particularly with students and the general public. The association is ending the year with an International Solidarity project.

Our public health initiatives :

  • Blood Donation, Bone Marrow and Organ Donation Awareness campaigns
  • Pink October, Movember and Blue Mars
  • Telethon
  • Sidaction
  • Teddy Bear Hospital and Noses for Smiles

Since 2015, we've been developing Local Solidarity thanks to a partnership with the Red Cross.

After Madagascar and Mali, our International Solidarity mission is now taking place in Togo. Our actions are focused on CESCOMs (community health centers that include a dispensary, pharmacy and maternity clinic) and follow 4 main lines of action:

  • Combating public health problems (improving hygiene conditions and providing medical equipment)
  • Cooperating with medical teams and communities
  • Eventually achieve autonomy of action location
  • Sustaining the action


  • Justine Guyennot-Aumassy, President;
  • Apolline Veux, Vice President General (VPG) ;
  • Mathys Aurand, Treasurer;
  • Zélie Allègre, secretary ;
  • Ludovic Lemoine, Vice President, Partnerships (VP part) ;
  • Makda Ejigu and Ziad Hajjouji, vice presidents in charge of communications (VP com).

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