Pharm&cie (P&Cie)
The association's activities and objectives

At the interface between the university and the pharmaceutical industry, P&Cie provides an initial insight into the industrial world to help students build their career plans.
Our missions:
- Introduce students to the world of the pharmaceutical industry (jobs available, industrial operations, training available).
- Create and maintain links between students and industry, as well as with faculty alumni.
- Helping students build their career plans.
Our projects :
- Pharmaceutical Careers Forum
- Introduction to the Industrial World Weekend
- Industrial Site Visits
- TOEIC training workshops
- Management workshops, preparation for the professional world (Mlab Sanofi)
- Conferences
- Indus' meal
- Inter-Associative Projects
- Chairman: Robin Broult
- Secretary: Océane Leperlier
- Treasurer: Andrei Souvannasouck
- Vice-Presidents of Partnerships: Eliana Denis and Thomas Vaïana
- Communication Vice-Presidents: Chaïma Essaoui and Shem's Arab
- Vice-President, Logistics: Ségolène Foucaud
- Vice-President, Training: Rudy Abi Akl
- Vice President Information: Emmanuel Martins
- Visuals Vice-Presidents: Marwa Mahrach and Victor Vargas