Studying abroad
Training abroad is a unique opportunity to discover another country and a new culture, while enriching your scientific knowledge. Student mobility is a guarantee of open-mindedness and adaptability, and has become an essential recruitment criterion.
Want to discover new horizons?
Several formulas are available
Is it currently possible to travel?
More information
Find advice (safety, health, useful information) for your host country on the website of the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs.
Brexit what does it change?
Brexit: what impact will it have on your higher education studies?
Do you have a question?
Contact the International Relations Office at your university.
Leaving with the Erasmus+ program
Student mobility relies mainly on the resources of Erasmus +, the European program for education, training, youth and sport. The various agreements signed by the UM with over a hundred universities in and outside Europe enable you to take part in an exchange program lasting from one semester to one year, depending on your level of study and course of study.
Please note: non-European students enrolled at a European university can also take part in an Erasmus + stay.
To prepare for your mobility, it's best to start the process a year before your actual departure. The conditions for taking part in this program are as follows:
- be regularly enrolled as a student at the University of Montpellier, whatever your nationality, from Licence 3 to Doctorat ;
- not to have benefited from a 12-month Erasmus + study mobility program during the same academic cycle (student with or without a grant);
- be selected by the educational manager of your component's international relations office;
For more information on the destinations offered by your component, please contact your component's International Relations Office.
The University of Montpellier is committed to promoting equity and inclusion of program participants, especially those with special needs, such as people with mental (intellectual, cognitive, or learning disabilities), physical, sensory, or other disabilities.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
School Erasmus code: F MONTPEL54
Erasmus + coordinator: Céline Delacourt-Gollain, Director of International Relations
Service Mobilité
Administrative contact
Tel: +33 (0)4 34 43 23 23
Erasmus Charter
By signing the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027, the UM confirms that its participation in the Program is part of its own strategy of modernization and internationalization. This strategy recognizes the essential contribution made by mobile staff and students and participation in European and international cooperation projects, to the quality of its own higher education programs and to the experience of its students.
Going to Quebec with the BCI
To encourage relations between peoples and cultures from different countries, Quebec universities, under the auspices of the Bureau de Coopération Interuniversitaire (BCI), have set up student exchange programs with universities outside Canada, including France.
These programs enable students enrolled in a French university to pursue part of their studies in a Quebec institution for a semester or a year.
This program is aimed at students from all disciplines who have completed at least two years of higher education.
Places at Quebec schools are very limited, and only the best applicants will be selected (minimum 12/20 GPA).
Every year, our partner universities specify their admission requirements on the BCI website.
Conditions for participating in the program :
- Be enrolled at the University of Montpellier ;
- Have obtained the approval of your academic supervisor for the course program you intend to follow at the host institution. Without this approval, your application will not be accepted;
- If you choose an English-speaking destination, you'll need to demonstrate a good level of English;
- You must be able to cover the costs of travel and accommodation in the host country.
Program benefits :
- Exemption from tuition fees at the host university;
- Recognition by the University of Montpellier of the curriculum followed at the host university;
- Maintaining social security coverage and national scholarships.
For further information, please contact your component
Go international with inter-university partnership agreements
You can take part in mobility programs under inter-university partnership agreements signed by the University of Montpellier. The University has signed agreements with universities all over the world. To participate in an inter-university partnership agreement, you must :
- be registered at the University of Montpellier ;
- be selected by the head of the international relations office at your university.
Your benefits :
- exemption from tuition fees at the host university ;
- recognition by the University of Montpellier of the curriculum followed at the host university;
- maintaining social security cover and national scholarships.
Go to one of Montpellier's 3 twin towns 'mobility grants programme
The City of Montpellier is offering a program enabling Montpellier students to receive a grant to spend a year studying at university in one of its 3 twin cities: Louisville in the United States, Heidelberg in Germany and Chengdu in China.
This program is designed for people who meet the following requirements:
- hold a baccalaureate ;
- be enrolled in a higher education establishment in Montpellier ;
- level of education: 2nd cycle ;
- be of legal age ;
- be in possession of a valid passport;
- be of French nationality;
- very good knowledge of English or German;
- for the Louisville scholarship, passing the TOEFL (language test) is mandatory, with a minimum score of 79/120.
Application form :
- a covering letter for the attention of the Mayor.
- a curriculum vitae and a photo.
- photocopies of university diplomas.
- school certificate or photocopy of student card.
- photocopy of valid passport.
- Proof of language level: language transcripts for Heidelberg and Chengdu and TOEFL results for Louisville, or receipt of exam registration.
Additional conditions may be imposed by the twin city. Information is available from the City of Montpellier's International Relations Department, and applications can be submitted at the Maison des Relations Internationales de la Ville de Montpellier.
Internships abroad
Are you planning an international internship? There are three possibilities:
Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE) internships
The Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE) offers students internships at its central administration (Paris and Nantes) or abroad, at a diplomatic mission or consular post.
These internships are either short (lasting 2 months) or long (lasting more than 2 months, with a monthly bonus).
Prerequisites :
- be enrolled as a student at the University of Montpellier, in a course leading to a state-recognized degree (Licence, Master, Doctorat only);
- be of French or European Union nationality;
- be affiliated to the French social security system.
How to apply?
- contact the internship coordinator at your university, who will check the prerequisites for your application;
- apply on the site for the offer(s) (maximum of 5 per student) that match your profile.
Please note: Priority will be given to compulsory internships during the academic year.
Erasmus+ internships
The Erasmus + program offers the possibility of financing an internship in a company in one of the 32 participating countries, for a period of 2 to 12 months. The program is open to all students from the 2nd year of DUT or Licence 2 to Doctorat, whatever their nationality.
Prerequisites :
- have a compulsory internship during your academic year;
- have found a full-time, unpaid internship (up to 1,200 euros gross per month accepted);
- not have benefited from a 12-month Erasmus mobility during the same academic cycle;
- be selected by the BRI pedagogical manager of your component.
How to apply?
For more information on the administrative file to be compiled, please contact the people responsible in your component.
Internships abroad outside mobility programs
You can consider an internship in the company and country of your choice, outside mobility programs. If you have a grant based on social criteria, you may be eligible for a MENESR international mobility grant. In addition, all students (regardless of income) can apply for an international mobility grant from the Occitanie / Pyrénées - Méditerranée region.
To find out about all the formalities, ask the people in charge of your component.
Individual mobility
Would you like to continue your studies abroad outside an exchange program? If so, you may want to consider an individual international mobility program.
In this case, please contact the university of your choice in advance to find out about the terms and conditions and the registration fees. Individual students are not eligible for University of Montpellier scholarships.
It is important to contact the embassy of the country concerned in France to obtain a study visa (for mobility outside Europe), as well as your social security center for health coverage.
Find out more about the recognition of foreign diplomas, if at the end of your international career you plan to return to France.
With what funding?
Erasmus+ grant
Erasmus + Study Grant
The Erasmus + program offers the possibility of financing a period of study at a partner university for a minimum of 2 months and a maximum of 12 months. All Erasmus + students going on a study trip must submit an application to the International Relations Office (BRI) in their department.
Contact your International Relations Office
Erasmus + Internship grant
The Erasmus + program offers the possibility of financing an internship in a European company for a minimum of 2 months and a maximum of 6 months.
All Erasmus + students selected for a work placement must submit an application to the BRI of their component.
Contact your International Relations Office
The University of Montpellier is committed to promoting equity and inclusion for program participants, especially those with special needs, such as people with mental (intellectual, cognitive or learning disabilities), physical, sensory or other disabilities. As such, the participant can benefit from a complementary Erasmus + allowance. For further information, please contact your International Relations Office.
Financial support from the Occitanie Pyrénées Méditerranée region
International mobility aid for students from the Occitanie Pyrénées Méditerranée region
In support of the University of Montpellier's international policy, the Occitanie Pyrénées Méditerranée region provides students with international mobility grants.
For further information on the application form and timetable, please refer to the Occitanie Region website.
Mobility assistance from the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation
The French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI) allocates a grant to the University of Montpellier to enable students with social grants to undertake international study or internships.
Eligibility criteria are as follows:
- be registered at the University of Montpellier ;
- be a scholarship holder ;
- study abroad for a period of 2 to 9 months in a higher education establishment, or complete a compulsory 2 to 6-month internship in a company.
For more information on how to submit your application and the timetable for your component: contact your International Relations Office.