Teacher-researcher and administrative staff mobility

International assignments


If you're going on an international assignment, you'll need to obtain prior authorization in line with the conditions of your trip (request for authorization for absence abroad).

The Erasmus + program offers three different types of mobility:

Organizational Support (OS)

It enables us to monitor the mobility of a student from the University of Montpellier sent to a European partner university. It also finances preparatory visits for the signing of new Erasmus agreements.

Destinations: this financing is only valid for destinations in Europe.

Teaching mobility (STA)

This type of mobility enables students to teach (minimum 8 hours of classes excluding lectures for 2 days, excluding travel) at a partner university. This type of mobility is carried out within the framework of an inter-university agreement and can last up to two months, with the possibility of leaving throughout the year. Depending on the destination and duration of the mobility, a contribution may be requested from the structure to which the student belongs. Eligible training periods range from 2 days to 2 months. Depending on the destination and duration of the mobility, a contribution may be requested from the UM structure.

Destinations: this funding is available in Europe and outside Europe (Erasmus+ International Mobility for MIC Credits program).

Training mobility (STT)

This type of mobility is aimed at teacher-researchers for training purposes, to enable them to acquire knowledge from experience and observe best practices abroad. It also helps to develop cooperation between the University of Montpellier and international companies. NB: the main part of the training must not consist of participation in conferences, seminars or workshops.

The University of Montpellier is committed to promoting equity and inclusion of program participants, especially those with special needs, such as people with mental (intellectual, cognitive, or learning disabilities), physical, sensory, or other disabilities.

Destinations: this funding is available in Europe and outside Europe (Erasmus+ International Mobility for MIC Credits program).

Administrative staff

The new organization of the Erasmus + program gives university staff the opportunity to exchange skills and know-how internationally.

STT (Staff Mobility - Training) - Training mobility

Minimum: 2 days - Maximum: 8 weeks - In a company or a higher education establishment - A training plan validated by the University of Montpellier

The University of Montpellier is committed to promoting equity and inclusion of program participants, especially those with special needs, such as people with mental (intellectual, cognitive, or learning disabilities), physical, sensory, or other disabilities.

Destinations: this funding is valid for destinations in and outside Europe (Erasmus+ Mobilités Internationales de Crédits MIC program).

Welcome to the University of Montpellier

Facilitating your stay at the University of Montpellier: download the practical guide

A Guide to procedures is available in French and English on the Euraxess France website.

This tool is designed for international researchers and teachers spending time in a higher education or research establishment in France as a doctoral student, post-doctoral fellow, visiting or associate researcher or professor, or on sabbatical leave.

It is also aimed at the managers of the laboratories that receive them, as well as all those involved in international mobility.

The Euraxess Languedoc-Roussillon Center is here to help you prepare for your stay in Montpellier and the Languedoc-Roussillon region: find out more about all the services and activities available on the Agropolis International website, in French and English.

The University of Montpellier has accommodation available for our foreign partners (visiting professors, researchers, post-doctoral fellows on internships in the University's laboratories).

The duration of the stay must be a minimum of one week and up to a maximum of three months for the same person - between September 1 and June 30. Booking procedure and forms are available onENT.

Mobility See more