Structuring Programs Department

Manager: Magali Roubieu

Missions :

  • Implement COMIS decisions at operational and administrative level, in close collaboration with the other UM departments concerned; ensure consolidated monitoring of I-SITE funds vis-à-vis COMIS;
  • Manage major inter-institutional cross-disciplinary projects (IDéES, SFRI, Défis-Clés, P.U.I., Excellences, etc.); in this context, implement exploratory actions planned in the projects she oversees (e.g. Key World Initiatives, external laboratory with CAAS);
  • Coordinate specific I-SITE projects (Labex-LabUM, "Attractivité" program and MAK'IT) and, for the implementation of actions or calls for projects, interact with UM departments in charge of their organization;
  • Lead the inter-establishment perimeter, particularly in the fields of innovation and international development.

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