The Université de Montpellier graduate program
The IDIL "Inter Disciplinary In Lab" graduate program is an initiative of the University of Montpellier. Funded by the France 2030 plan, under the "Structuring Training through Research in Initiatives of Excellence" (SFRI) call for projects, the IDIL graduate program is attached to the University of Montpellier's Structuring Programs Department.
The ambition of the IDIL graduate program is to rethink the training of students destined for research, through immersion learning in the laboratories of Research attached to the University of Montpellier and its partners.
Some ten Master's courses and one Engineering course (Institut agro /ENSCM / Polytech) have already been adapted to the IDIL format, involving 5 different components of the University of Montpellier: Faculty of Science, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Law and Montpellier Management.
Courses are taught in English, and the various teaching units offer a multidisciplinary approach to current research issues.
Program objectives
Developing the international appeal of our training courses
Teaching in English is designed to make the University's courses more attractive to international students. A specific financial support program has been set up to encourage the arrival of new international students:
- 4-month life purse ;
- mobility grant to cover the cost of transport tickets ;
- French as a Foreign Language courses.
Learning through research
Each year, IDIL students spend between 3 and 6 months in a laboratory, depending on the discipline. This format enables them to discover their future professional environment as early as possible in their training.
To encourage learning, the number of hours of traditional teaching has been reduced, and disciplinary concepts are now developed by a mentor before and during the internship.
Practical work, known as "In Lab", is also carried out by the research teams in the laboratory, over one or two days, with the aim of learning a specific technique, method or notion, right where the research is being carried out.
All internships are rewarded, either by the IDIL program in the first year, or by the host laboratory in the second year.
Personalized support
Throughout the Master's program, students are accompanied by 2 researchers or teacher-researchers, who help them build and develop their research project.
The educational tutor is present only in the first year, to guide the student in his or her professional project, act as a link with the mentor, and advise the student on the choice of "à la carte" teaching units. As early as the first year, students draw up a "personal project", which will be their guideline for personalizing their training.
The mentor accompanies the student during the two-year internship, providing all the disciplinary support needed to learn the student's main "CORE" discipline. In addition to supervising the internship, the mentor is committed to integrating the student into his or her research team and involving him or her in the life of the laboratory. Thanks to the mentor, the student establishes a relationship of trust with his or her host laboratory, in which he or she can project himself or herself, with a view to continuing his or her research towards a doctorate.
An à la carte multidisciplinary approach
The IDIL graduate program aims to promote a multidisciplinary approach, developing a new vision of training and research, based on issues or themes at the interface between several research areas.
Students can choose their specialties from the core curriculum (known as "CORE"), as well as an introduction to another IDIL discipline (known as "NON-CORE"). "NON CORE"). They also have access to methodological and professional training to develop their soft-skills.
In M2, students from all courses work in groups onmultidisciplinary projects, bringing together their respective disciplinary skills and know-how. The aim is to develop multidisciplinary research projects.
The transdisciplinary animation project
To strengthen student ties between courses, the IDIL graduate program has set up an innovative student community project inspired by the house cup in the famous "Harry Potter ©" franchise. Students are randomly assigned to a red, yellow or green house, and compete throughout the year for the IDIL House Cup.
In addition to creating a sense of belonging to the University of Montpellier and the IDIL graduate program, this animation project helps to initiate a relationship of trust between the students, and to develop their interdisciplinary spirit in preparation for the multidisciplinary project they will have to carry out by the end of their course.