I-SITE excellence program

Launched in 2017 and set to continue until 2022, the I-SITE program of excellence mobilizes the strengths of 16 institutions towards a common ambition: the development in Montpellier of a research-intensive thematic university, internationally recognized for its impact on the societal challenges of food safety, environmental protection and human health. In the 5 years of the probationary period, major transformations have been set in motion in each of the major fields of academic life. These initiatives, which until now have been carried out within the framework of the Montpellier University of Excellence Foundation, are now fully integrated into the activities of the University of Montpellier's departments and services.

Scientific ambition and support for research

The aim of the program is to respond to three interdependent challenges:

  1. promote ecologically innovative agriculture that contributes to food security and environmental quality;
  2. encourage the transition to a society that manages its resources and environment sustainably ;
  3. improve human health in changing environments.

While the sciences dealing with agriculture, the environment, biodiversity, biology and health are at the heart of the program, the ambition is to continue transforming the way we work and to build new bridges between them and with the other disciplines that are the strength of the Montpellier site.

The I-SITE program of excellence finances the University of Montpellier's four extended Labexes (Cemeb, Agro, Entreprendre, NUMEV) and the two Lab'UMs, in chemistry and epigenetics, which are continuing their activities to completion.
It supports the structuring of research at consortium level by contributing to the operation of the 5 Pôles de Research and their scientific coordination activities for the corresponding communities.
It aims to promote the submission of a greater number of proposals to the ERC by financing awareness-raising and training initiatives, and support for the writing of ERC projects.

The excellence program includes an ambitious research support program and a clear commitment toscientific attractiveness.

Educational transformation and support for innovation

The Training component of the Program of Excellence is being deployed along several lines.
The first action deployed in 2017, the University of Montpellier's doctoral college is pursuing its actions in line with the institution's overall strategy of training to/through research, for the benefit of all students in the doctoral schools concerned.

The program supports the structuring of training at consortium level, which will be based on the newly-created collegiums, so that they can promote joint actions between the UFRs, Schools and Institutes of the consortium, and reinforce the visibility and legibility of the UM's training offer and that of its partners.

The program also supports pedagogical transformation in all the consortium's higher education establishments, through actions to raise awareness and train students in the challenges of the ecological transition, enrich curricula and teaching practices, and provide support for teacher-researchers through the joint Pedagogical Innovations support service.

The I-SITE program of excellence supports the pedagogical transformation program.

Strategic international partnerships and support for international activities

International outreach is one of the hallmarks of this future investment program. The University of Montpellier and its partners in the I-SITE program of excellence have chosen to bring their thematic, institutional and programmatic structures to life, through privileged links with universities in the North and South, in fields relevant to their scientific ambitions. Numerous strategic partnerships have been forged to explore opportunities for world-class initiatives, such as the Montpellier Global Days organized as part of the New Africa-France Summit, the MAK'IT Institute for Advanced Knowledge, and Key World Initiatives focusing on the consortium's key themes (viruses and vectors, food systems, water).

The I-SITE program of excellence supports the EXPLORE international mobility program, the Key World Initiatives program and the MAK'IT Institute.

Research collaborative innovation marketing

The overall ambition is to create more and better connections between higher education and research, and the socio-economic world.
The I-SITE program of excellence brings together the consortium's partners in a common strategy of partnerships with economic players to encourage technological and societal innovation. Every effort is made to ensure that the players in the innovation ecosystem work in synergy and complement each other in terms of developing skills, marketing innovation, bringing processes closer together...

The I-SITE program of excellence supports the Companies and campus program and the innovation booster.

Student initiatives

The I-SITE program of excellence for student life aims to promote interculturality among students, in order to complement existing initiatives. This objective is in line with one of the post-probationary period commitments of the MUSE project, which aims to promote the internationalization of training courses. In this context, the aim is to offer students the opportunity to put their knowledge of English into practice or to improve it outside their course, while at the same time enabling them to develop an intercultural outlook.

The I-ISITE excellence program supports student initiatives.

Scientific culture

This action involves strengthening initiatives to share knowledge and dialogue, as well as scientific methods, results, issues and questions, aimed specifically at young people and schools. Actions to disseminate scientific culture will be deployed in conjunction with "research in the making" within the consortium.

The I-ISITE program of excellence supports scientific culture initiatives.

The IDEX/ISITE program, devised in 2010 as part of the "Investissements d'Avenir" program, aims to create a limited number of research universities in France, on sites with outstanding scientific potential, and capable of creating synergies between universities, schools, research organizations and, where appropriate, healthcare establishments and companies.

The Strategic and Structuring Investment Committee is chaired by the President of the University of Montpellier and includes representatives from the following institutions: Université de Montpellier, ENSCM, Institut Agro, CIRAD, CHU de Montpellier, CHU de Nîmes, CNRS, CEA, ICM, INRAE, INSERM, IRD, and a representative jointly appointed by BRGM, CIHEAM IAM, IFREMER and INRIA.

Emblematic projects See more