Working at the University of Montpellier

The University of Montpellier employs nearly 5,100 people, including some 3,000 permanent staff, in three main job families:

  • research and teaching staff
  • engineers, administrative, technical and service staff
  • library staff

By publishing its charter for Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment (OTM-R) as part of the European "HR Excellence in Research" label, the Université de Montpellier has chosen to report on this approach and on the UM's recruitment processes for researchers and other staff.


At the University of Montpellier

The university recruits teaching, administrative and technical staff, as well as contract workers.

For further information, visit the French civil service website: SCORE portal.

Teaching staff

Administrative, technical, library and healthcare staff

Student jobs and civic service volunteers

Within partner establishments

Staff training

Collective training offer

The collective training offer is aimed at the University's permanent and contract staff (BIATSS, Enseignants-Chercheurs, Enseignants et Chercheurs). Registration is via the GEFORP (GEstion des FORmations pour les Personnels) platform.

  • Consult programs, dates of second-semester sessions and register on GEFORP ("My account" tab on ENT).

You can also track the progress of your registration requests, view your supervisor's online validation, be alerted when new sessions are scheduled, print out a training certificate...

Develop your skills remotely and continuously

The Skills Management and Development Office offers a range of free resources (MOOCs, tutorials, webinars, etc.), available online and for remote consultation. Resources are classified by field.

Management application

For information and documentation on :

  • APOGEE: consult training documentation (PPS and videos) in the Moodle space by requesting access via the Service Center, Studies area, APOGEE category.
  • PSTAGE: contact your component's PSTAGE correspondent or, failing that, submit a ticket via the Service Center, Studies area, PSTAGE category.
  • AMETYS: contact your component's Ametys correspondent or, failing that, submit a ticket via the Service Center, Studies area, AMETYS category.
  • ECANDIDAT: consult the documents on managing applications and using eCandidat on the DFE intranet: Documentation candidatures contact your component's Ecandidat correspondent or, failing that, submit a ticket via the Service Center, Studies area, ECANDIDAT category.
  • SOFA: submit a ticket via the Service Center, Research area, SOFA category
  • PROSE: contact your component's Prose advisor or, failing that, submit a ticket via the Service Center, Studies area, PROSE category.
  • SIFAC: consult the documentation on the DAF intranet: business-specific training and tools , or submit a ticket via the Service Center, Finance or Purchasing area, depending on the type of request.

Office, digital and collaborative tools

DSIN's Service des Usages du Numérique (SUN) offers you :

Microsoft 365 / Teams: DSIN offers a range of tutorials and guides on these collaborative tools

Other free online training courses / MOOCs and tutorials :

Teaching and research

DSIN's Service des Usages du Numérique (SUN) also offers :

The Centre de Soutien aux Innovations Pédagogiques (CSIP) offers training courses and workshops in active teaching methods.

Other free online training courses / MOOCs and tutorials :

Health & Safety



Webinars (online conferences) to watch in replay:

Other free online training courses / MOOCs and tutorials :

Practical guides / fact sheets :

Trade training - professional environment

Webinars (online conferences) on teleworking to watch in replay:

Other free online training courses / MOOCs and tutorials :

Practical guides / fact sheets :

Ecological transition

Social responsibility

Disability and digital accessibility

Preparing for ITRF competitions / promotion tests

ITRF competitions

  • For information on the different types of competitive examination (eligibility requirements, types of tests, etc.), please consult the MESRI website.
  • The recruitment office of the University's Human Resources Department is also available to answer your questions by [email | rf.re1736930846illep1736930846tnomu1736930846@frti1736930846-sruo1736930846cnoc-1736930846hrd1736930846].

AENES competition

  • For information on the different types of competitive examination (eligibility requirements, types of tests, etc.), please consult the Ministry's website (MEN).
  • TheEcole académique de la formation continue (EAFC) offers training courses in preparation for the AENES competitive examination. The courses offered are open to university staff, and are the subject of an annual registration campaign (June-September), relayed by the skills management and development office.

Online resources :

Other staff training programs (not included)

Quality of life at work

The University of Montpellier offers advice and support to help you reflect on your career, prepare a professional project or talk about difficulties at work. Meetings and conferences are organized to question work. To relax, workshops (meditation, sophrology, massage) are regularly offered in the workplace.

Organization of staff support systems

To deal with difficulties in the workplace, the UM has set up a number of systems to ensure that psycho-social risks are addressed and monitored on an ongoing basis. The aim of these systems is to meet collective and individual needs in terms of RPS prevention, by promoting synergy between the various players involved in the establishment.

Better living at work

The UM has a network of professionals who can support you in your professional projects.

They can also help you in the event of difficulties or suffering at work, and answer any questions you may have about safety or psycho-social risks (PSR). Don't hesitate to contact them, as they will be happy to talk to you in complete confidentiality.

Wellness workshops

We offer a wide range of free workshops throughout the year, including "Finding your way - Working on your voice and expressiveness", stress management, sophrology, meditation and foot reflexology.


Throughout the year, the Quality of Life at Work Department organizes meetings, debates and conferences.

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Working at the university See more