Contract teachers

Temporary teaching and research assistants Research

At the end of the 2024 recruitment campaign for temporary teaching and research assistants (ATER), the University of Montpellier is opening a complementary campaign in 12 CNU sections.

The presence of a job description does not exclude the existence of a position without a specific profile in the CNU section.

Eligibility requirements

To find out more about the conditions for applying, please refer to article 2 of decree no. 88-654 of May 7, 1988, as amended, and to the website of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research.

CNU sections open and, where applicable, information on positions

12 CNU sections in which positions may be available:

Of these 12 sections, 10 are open with specific job descriptions, available by clicking on the following link: consult job descriptions.

The presence of a job description does not exclude the existence of a position without a specific profile in the CNU section.

File creation

Step 1: Register on the GALAXIE portal's ALTAÏR application.

Step 2: Create an account on the university's online application, CAMPEC.

Submit an application for each CNU section for which the candidate wishes to apply:

  • in the "holder" or "not holder of the doctorate" section, depending on the candidate's situation;
  • then according to staff category (student, category A civil servant, etc.).

Please note:

  • Candidates on doctoral contracts who do not hold a doctorate must apply as "students".
  • Candidates who have passed a category A civil service competition (e.g. CAPES, agrégation, etc.) must enter their applications in the "category A civil servant" section (even if they also hold other positions, e.g. instructor).

Documents must be submitted in PDF or zip format.

You will find below 4 documents to help you prepare your application:

and according to the candidate's current situation :

These documents must be dated, signed and attached to the digital file.

Important notes:

  • All applications must be submitted via the CAMPEC digital application.
  • All applications incomplete at the close of registration will be rejected.
  • No additional documents will be accepted after the submission deadline.
  • Administrative documents in a foreign language must be translated into French. Translations may be carried out by a sworn translator, by the institution from which the candidate obtained his/her diploma, or by the candidate him/herself, provided he/she attaches a sworn statement.

Please note : any application that is incomplete or entered in the wrong section or staff category will be rejected.

To ensure that your application is processed as quickly as possible, please register as soon as possible.


  • The ALTAIR application will be open from July 10, 2024 to September 06, 2024 at 4pm (Paris time);
  • The University's CAMPEC application will be open from July 10, 2024 to September 06, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. (Paris time);
  • Validation of rankings: from mid-October 2024 ;
  • Start date: November 1, 2024.
Temporary teaching assistants (ATE)

The University of Montpellier is recruiting temporary teaching assistants (ATE), in particular a young doctor acting as A.T.E.R.


1 position to be filled on 15/11/2024 :

  • UFR Medicine: 1 position in Psychomotricity : see job description
    Composition of the selection committee to be published


Submission of application on theuniversity's digital application CAMPEC from 07/26/2024 to 09/19/2024.

To ensure that your application is processed as quickly as possible, please submit your application as soon as possible.

How to apply :

The file to be submitted on the CAMPEC application includes :

  • a detailed CV ;
  • a cover letter ;
  • a copy of the highest diploma ;
  • a copy of a valid photo ID (front and back).

All foreign-language documents must be accompanied by a French-language translation, the conformity of which the applicant certifies on his or her honor.

Any application incomplete by the above deadline will be declared inadmissible.

3 positions were to be filled on 01/10/2024: applications closed on June 30, 2024.

  • UFR Médecine: 2 positions in Psychomotricity ATE_RP1 and ATE_RP2
    Composition of selection committee to be published
    Composition of selection committee to be published
  • UFR Médecine: 1 position in Sociology, Demography: see job description
    Selection committee to be published

The University of Montpellier is recruiting a young doctor to work as an ATER.


Registration closed on June 30, 2024.

1 position was to be filled on 01/10/2024 :


Registrations closed on April 23, 2024: 15 positions were to be filled by 09/01/2024.

Associated teachers

The University of Montpellier recruits part-time lecturers and associate professors.

Reference text: modified decree no. 85-733 of July 17, 1985

Recruitment conditions :

Proof of at least three years' principal professional activity, other than teaching, and professional experience directly related to the specialty taught.

CAMPAIGN 2024 - Vacancies :

2 half-time associate professorships are to be filled:

Registration from March 7, 2024 to midnight April 10, 2024 on the CAMPEC application.

Application form :

Applicants must submit their digital application on the university's CAMPEC application.

The digital application file must include :

  • a detailed curriculum vitae ;
  • a cover letter ;
  • A copy of a legible form of identification (ID card, passport);
  • for foreign applicants, with the exception of nationals of European Union member states: residence permit ;
  • a copy of proof of current employment:
    • for self-employed workers: (optional) registration in the national business register, registration with a professional association, extract from the trade and companies register, tax notice, invoices for services rendered, copy of a balance sheet or income statement;
    • for salaried employees: tax returns for the last three years, updated certificate from main employer stating start date, employment contract, last 3 pay slips;
    • for civil servants: updated cumulative authorization and appointment decree.
  • Affidavit stating that you do not teach in any other public teaching or research establishment

To ensure that your application is processed as quickly as possible, please submit your application as soon as possible.

Temporary teaching staff

Recruitment of part-time lecturers is carried out by the President of the University on the recommendation of the heads of the teaching departments. Recruitment conditions are defined by decree n°1987-889 of October 29, 1987 on the conditions for recruiting and employing temporary teachers in higher education.

How to apply :

Recruitment of temporary teaching staff on pedagogical criteria is the responsibility of the University's UFR/Institutes/Schools(training components).

The course of action is as follows:

Contact by the part-time lecturer with a teaching and/or administrative manager of a University component in order to be entrusted with teaching duties;

  1. Submit the administrative file in the OSE* application only if the pedagogical recruitment has been validated by one or more of the University of Montpellier's pedagogical components;
  2. First validation by the component ;
  3. Final validation by the DRH's Bureau de Gestion des Moyens d'Enseignement. Validation allows work to begin;
  4. When the administrative file is validated: signature of a recruitment contract drawn up for the academic year by the Bureau de Gestion des Moyens d'Enseignement (BGME).

The submission of a complete administrative file and its final validation by the BGME must precede the start of the courses. This application must be renewed for each academic year.

Recruitment conditions :

CEVs (chargés d'enseignements vacataires ) are people chosen for their expertise in a particular field, and who also have a main professional activity. They can teach CM, TD or TP, up to a limit of 187 hours of TD equivalent per academic year, all components included.

Categories of part-time lecturers :

  • Private sector employee ;
  • Self-employed, freelance and auto entrepreneur;
  • Company director ;
  • University of Montpellier BIATSS staff (permanent or contract) ;
  • Tenured or non-tenured civil servant from other establishments ;
  • Contract PhD students ;
  • Intermittent entertainment workers, artists, authors.

ATVs (agents temporaires vacataires ) can provide a maximum of 96 hours TD equivalent per year in one or more establishments, but cannot give lectures.

Categories of temporary agents :

  • Students with a3rd cycle higher education diploma ;
  • Retired from a main activity outside the University of Montpelier.

People who cannot be recruited :

  • People who do not have a main professional activity on September 1 of the academic year
  • Lecturers on Leave for Research or Thematic Conversions (CRCT)
  • Temporary Teaching Assistants Research (ATER)
  • People who have reached the age of 67
  • Retirees from the University of Montpellier

Application form :

When recruitment is confirmed by the intervention component, a file must be submitted to the OSE* recruitment application.

The following documents are required for all professional situations:

  • Valid identification
  • Carte vitale or social security certificate
  • Personal bank details

A set of supporting documents for each of the above categories must also be provided. Details of the categories and documents to be supplied can be found in the recruitment conditions guide.

To ensure that your application is processed as quickly as possible, please submit your application as soon as possible.

* The OSE (Organisation des Services d'Enseignement) application can be accessed from theENT (under the heading Enseignement) for temporary employees who have already worked the previous year and wish to renew their application. Connection to OSE is via the UM e-mail address rf.re1722058379illep1722058379tnomu1722058379@mon.1722058379moner1722058379p1722058379.

For temporary staff working at the University of Montpellier for the first time, it will be necessary to request temporary access via the CEAD application (compte externe arrivée départ) in order to access OSE and submit their application.


The University of Montpellier is recruiting a foreign language reader in English for the 2024/2025 academic year.

In accordance with Decree No. 87-754 of 14 September 1987, as amended, candidates must:

  • apply in their mother tongue or in a language they speak as well as their mother tongue;
  • proof of a foreign qualification equivalent to Bac +4 (Master 1).

2024 readers recruitment campaign

View the job description :

Ongoing recruitment 2024

View the job description :

How to apply :

The application file includes :

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • A cover letter (in French)
  • A photocopy of a valid photo ID (both sides)
  • Photocopy of diploma equivalent to Master 1 (4 years of higher education).


  • For the position open under the LECTEURS 2024 recruitment campaign: Submission of the application file on theuniversity's digital application CAMPEC: from March 20, 2024 to April 22, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.

To ensure that your application is processed as quickly as possible, please submit your application as soon as possible.

Recruitment conditions :

The term of office is one year. In exceptional circumstances, the contract may be renewed once for the same period.

The compensation index is INM 366.

Foreign-language lecturers are required to work 300 h PT per year in the presence of students. Their service may include tutorials, but the number of hours per year must not exceed 100 h PD.

Working at the university See more