Rethinking entrepreneurship: roots and dreams

  • Category:
  • Dates : June 3 to 5, 2019
  • Opening hours: 00h00 - 00h00
  • Location:

Institut Montpellier Management - Espace Richter - Rue Vendémiaire, 34000 Montpellier.

11th Congress of the Academy of Entrepreneurship and Innovation

From entrepreneurial emergence and takeover to intrapreneurship and scalability, entrepreneurial action is everywhere, taking in disciplines such as marketing, strategy and finance. Long wrongly circumscribed to business creation, entrepreneurship has become a societal cause. If start-ups, scale-ups and unicorns are the stuff of dreams, what about the life-style entrepreneur, the tribal entrepreneur, the agricultural entrepreneur, the user-entrepreneur, the hyper-connected intrapreneur, etc.?
This diversity of entrepreneurial forms calls for a rethinking of entrepreneurship, strengthening its theoretical roots to better ensure its development and the emergence of new perspectives.

Revisit entrepreneurship to better (re)think it. Discover new fields of expression for entrepreneurial logics. Explore new theories. Consider new research designs. Identify new challenges to take up, new players to involve. Develop links with other disciplines to better understand entrepreneurship and its current evolution.
The conference will provide an opportunity to reflect on what characterizes today's entrepreneurship and the prospects for tomorrow.

Sylvie Sammut, President of the AEI 2019 Congress
Scientific Board: Jean-Marie Courrent and Frank Lasch
Steering Committee: Sophie Casanova and Annabelle Jaouen
Project and Communications Manager: Claire Riffat

Key note speaker: Robert Blackburn, Professor at Kingston University of London and Editor-in-Chief of International Small Business Journal.

Contact: email

Calendar :

  • January 26, 2019

    Receipt of papers (short (max 3000 words) or long).
    This date is important for all tracks and varia calls for papers.

  • March 15, 2019

    Notification to authors by the Scientific Committee.

  • April 19, 2019

    Receipt of revised papers, short or long, in their final version.

Only authors who have paid their registration fees and are present at the Congress will have their papers published on the AEI 2019 Congress website.

  • May 15, 2019

    Registration closed for Gala dinner and luncheon on June 5

  • May 20, 2019

    Registration closed for choice of social events

  • May 24, 2019

    All registrations for the AEI Congress 2019 are now closed.

  • June 3-5, 2019


The 7th edition of the Pro'créa congress will be held following AEI, from June 5 to 7, 2019 in Montpellier and Sète, around the theme: "Must we continue? Keys to reinventing entrepreneurial support".
Further information at:


Prize-giving ceremony

Le Sphinx will be awarding 2 prizes during the congress:

  • prize for best empirical paper ;
  • prize for best doctoral student.

The awards will be presented at the gala dinner (see program) by Boris Moscarola, Managing Partner of Le Sphinx.


Please send your requests (forms, questions...) by e-mail by clicking here.


Call for papers:

Intra-track call for papers :

Call for off-track papers:

106 papers were presented at the AEI 2019 Congress. Papers available for download on this site have received permission for publication from their author(s). Authors who have expressed their wish not to have their paper published on the site are not available for download.

You can download them by clicking here.

  • ADECHIAN Soulé Akinhola, BACO Mohamed Nasser, MOUMOUNI Ismail, AKPONIKPE Irénikatché Pierre B., ADEKAMBI Souléϊmane Adéyèmi, DJENONTIN André Jonas, VIHOTOGBE-SOSSA Carole Nadia A., Stratégies concurrentielles dans la commercialisation des produits périssables : cas des producteurs de légumes feuilles traditionnels au Bénin.
  • AIB Walid, H DESMARTEAU Robert, BREARD Raymond, Rapprochement comportemental entre les entrepreneurs et les jeunes à risque de décrochage scolaire (Behavioral links between entrepreneurs and young people at risk of dropping out of school)
  • ALBERT-CROMARIAS Anne, ASSELINEAU Alexandre, Entrepreneurial caprice and "empty" territories
  • ALBERT-CROMARIAS Anne, ASSELINEAU Alexandre, Les proximités aux sources de la coopétition : le cas des petits viticulteurs " Ici commence la Loire " (Proximity at the source of coopetition: the case of small winegrowers)
  • ALEXANDRE Laurice, REDIEN-COLLOT Renaud, BARCHICHE Doria, Le rôle de la coopération en intrapreneuriat comme stimulateur d'innovation ?
  • ALLARD Frédérique, BRAVO-BOUYSSY Ketty, Empowerment at the heart of teaching practices: reflection on the system of interactions
  • ARREOLA Fernanda, FAVRE-BONTE Véronique, TRAN Sébastien, Corporate Accelerators: An RBV perspective to understand how to access Strategic Factor Markets
  • BANC Constance, MESSEGHEM Karim, Discovering the notion of entrepreneurial micro-ecosystems
  • BAUWERAERTS Jonathan, COLOT Olivier, MONACO Carole, Analyse du dilemme socio-émotionnel dans la nomination des dirigeants au sein des entreprises familiales non cotées
  • BAYART Caroline, SALEILLES Séverine, Rethinking the opportunity/necessity dichotomy with a risk management-based approach
  • BELAROUCI Matthieu, FRANCOIS Valérie, Survival of young innovative companies and problems encountered during their first years of life.
  • BENZARI Alexandre, TORRES Olivier, KHEDHAOURIA Anis, CUCCHI alain, The impact of technostress on burnout of small business owners.
  • BERRACHED BERBAR Wafaa, TABET AOUEL Wassila, Entrepreneurship in the family business
  • Algerian reality
  • BEZZON Bastien, La proximité géographique, fondement d'une stratégie territoriale d'identification des opportunités. The case of SPL Mecanic Vallée.
  • BEZZON Bastien, L'articulation entre proximité de médiation et proximité relationnelle : Analyse de la construction des réseaux d'identification d'opportunités des entreprises familiales du SPL Mecanic Vallée
  • BLANCHARD Grégory, ALBERT-CROMARIAS Anne, Commercial negotiation skills:
  • how are building craftsmen perceived?
  • BLUM Virginie, Quand des entrepreneurs jugent des entrepreneurs: l'entrepreneur rationnel, l'ignorant et le voyou. Entrepreneurial figures and practices in bankruptcy court
  • BOKOV Issa, ALEXANDRE Laurice, The role of the regional ecosystem in cluster development, the case of Russia
  • BORIES-AZEAU Isabelle, FORT Fatiha, NOGUERA Florence, PEYROUX Catherine, University involvement in territorial entrepreneurial dynamics
  • BOUBAKARY Ben, Corporate Social Responsibility: a lever for organizational change in SMEs? A literature review
  • BOUZID Amel, BOUDEJA Karima, CHERIET Foued, BOUCHETARA Mehdi, MELLAL Ahmed , Strategic agricultural sectors and innovation dynamics in Algeria: Comparison of the potato and durum wheat sectors.
  • BUGHIN Christiane, CROQUET Mélanie, VIRGO Mégan, La relation d'accompagnement perçue par les accompagnants : essai de modélisation fondée sur la théorisation ancrée
  • BUQUET Romain, BOUILLOUD Jean-Philippe, Fake it till you make it: a systemic production of renegade entrepreneurs
  • CHABAUD Didier, DACHER Nicolas, Accompagnement entrepreneurial : pistes et réflexions tirées d'une revue systématique de la littérature francophone (in French only)
  • CHABAUD Didier, YEZZA Hedi, L'impact du capital social sur la succession familiale : l'effet de médiation des compétences sociales ?
  • CHALUS-SAUVANNET Marie-Christine, DEMAURAS Karine, Characteristics of women business angels and their interactions with women entrepreneurs?
  • CHARLIER Patrice, Analyzing the longevity of a family business over four centuries and fourteen generations
  • CHARLIER Patrice, BAUWERAERTS Jonathan, GRATTON Pierre, A mixed bet approach to the IPO of family businesses
  • CHASSERIO Stéphanie, LEBEGUE Typhaine, POROLI Corine, BACHA Eliane, PAILOT Philippe, Actions et traduction des politiques en faveur de l'entrepreneuriat des femmes par les acteurs de l'écosystème entrepreneurial. Understanding through the mobilization of the neo-institutional approach.
  • CHASSERIO Stéphanie, POROLI Corine, REDIEN-COLLOT Renaud , Women entrepreneurs in a high-growth context: towards leadership that challenges entrepreneurial norms?
  • CHERIF Raja, SASSI Boutheina, Etude exploratoire des attitudes des étudiants entrepreneurs vis-à-vis la spiritualité: cas des étudiants entrepreneurs d'Enactus.
  • CHOUCHANE Rahma, FERNET Claude, AUSTIN Stéphanie, Soutien organisationnel et comportements intrapreneuriaux: qu'en est-il du rôle de l'auto-efficacité et des intentions intrapreneuriales des employés?
  • CINTAS Caroline, DESPLEBIN Olivier, L'anthroposophie, spiritualité pour un entrepreneuriat alternatif ? The case of biodynamic wine.
  • CLEMENT Loréna, Accompagner les entrepreneures des quartiers prioritaires de la politique de la ville : une adaptation nécessaire ?
  • CLOUTIER Martin, CUEILLE Sandrine, GAMRA Miloud, RECASENS Gilles, Conceptualisation de l'accompagnement des jeunes entreprises technologiques par les actions entrepreneuriales orientées ressources.
  • CONSTANTINIDIS Christina, NELSON Teresa, Succession in the family business: Tensions and levers of transformation between gender systems
  • CONTRERAS-CRUS Marcela, MESSEGHEM Karim, CATANZARO Alexis, Collective pursuit of international entrepreneurial opportunities: a conceptual model for SMEs
  • DALLAIRE Géraldine, How does the cultural entrepreneur/project pair evolve during the entrepreneurial process?
  • DE FREYMAN Julien, CULLIERE Olivier, BOUSSAGUET Sonia, Helping buyers build their legitimacy
  • DEBRAY Caroline, PARADAS Agnès, POLGE Marion, FOURCADE Colette, Mixité de genre et performance dans l'artisanat du bâtiment : points de vue comparés entre artisan(e)s et parties prenantes institutionnelles dédiées à l'accompagnement
  • DELORME Donatienne, L'approche par le Business Model permet-elle d'appréhender le processus d'inscription d'un nouvel acteur intermédiaire dans un écosystème d'innovation? Contributions and limitations
  • DEPRINCE Elodie, Do digital social networks help reduce barriers linked to psychic distance? The case of Belgian SMEs
  • DESCHAMPS Bérangère, LAMARQUE Thierry, Les émotions du repreneur lors d'une négociation de transfert externe d'entreprise (in French)
  • DESCHAMPS Bérangère, PUTHOD Catherine, Who supports women who buy firms?
  • DJOUAK Amar, CERIANI Clarisse , La pluriactivité agricole dans le Nord -Pas-de-Calais : un atout ou un fardeau ?
  • DOKOU Gérard Akrikpan Kokou, Approche générative des besoins d'accompagnement du créateur de génération Y : entre besoins différenciés et complémentaires avec les entrepreneurs X et boomers
  • EL KHOURY Michèle, JAOUEN Annabelle, SAMMUT Sylvie, Les critiques de l'entreprise libérée : de nouvelles voies s'annoncent (in French only)
  • EWANGO-CHATELET Aurélie, Critical reflections on comparative entrepreneurship: compare and contextualize?
  • FAVRE Cédric, THEVENARD-PUTHOD Catherine, La reprise par les salariés, grande oubliée des recherches en Business Transfer?
  • FOUR Isabeau, CORBIN-CHARLAND Olivier, LAVOIE France, DESJARDINS François, Les pratiques et les enjeux de la reprise de PME sous forme OBNL : analyse exploratoire dans le contexte québécois.
  • FOUR Isabeau, CORBIN-CHARLAND Olivier, LAVOIE France, MERINO Maricarmen, Les écosystèmes de soutien à l'entrepreneuriat social au Québec, entre diversité et complexité.
  • GABAY-MARIANI Laëtitia, Measurer l'engagement entrepreneurial : propositions pour adapter le modèle tridimensionnel d'Allen et Meyer à l'entrepreneuriat naissant.
  • GAIDOS Alexandra, A performative approach to social innovation incubation practices
  • GAUTHIER Olivier, LEGLISE Laure, "Fiction" and the emergence of alternative organizations: a deleuzian perspective
  • GAY Claudine, VIVEL Christel, The figure of the "leading cultural entrepreneur": the case of Emile Guimet
  • GENC Caroline, On the stigma of failure for behavioral entrepreneurs 
  • GOMEZ-BREYSSE Marie, Impact of societal evolutions: from classic to lifestyle entrepreneurs
  • GRAMA-VIGOUROUX Simona, SAIDI Sana, SELLAMI Mohamed, CAZABAT Gérard, Does solvency in microfinance institutions depend on gender?
  • GRATTON Pierre, Le processus de négociation dans les transmissions/reprises externes : une étude de cas exploratoire.
  • HAMANI Amina, Cross evolution of business models in a network incubator: a stakeholder approach
  • HENRION Camille, Creating an entrepreneurial dynamic in a low-density area using the Start-Up de Territoire and Fabrique à Entreprendre tools
  • HERAL Mireille, MESSEGHEM Karim, CATANZARO Alexis, Accompagnement des stratégies collaboratives à l'international : Le cas des éco-PME
  • IBOUDER Widad, LOUITRI Abdenbi, Exploration du processus de socialisation de la nouvelle génération des PME familiales à l'entrepreneuriat : Exemple d'un Cas marocain
  • LACHAPELLE Nathalie, Innovation processes among agricultural entrepreneurs: conceptual and theoretical frameworks
  • LAMETA Nathalie, TERRAMORSI Patrice, LUISI Graziella, FABIANI Thierry, ALBERTINI Thérèse, Influence d'un dispositif pédagogique expérientiel sur la sensibilisation aux soft skills entrepreneuriales : Cas du " Challenge Innovation ".
  • LEBRUN Anne-Cécile, MIGNON Sophie, ROBERT Marc, La libération de l'entreprise en contexte PME : une étude exploratoire des déterminants
  • LEPAGE Fanny, CHERIET Foued, Entrepreneuriat, formalisation de la gouvernance et modes de croissance en agriculture : Étude de sept cas de grandes exploitations agricoles au Québec
  • LOUP Stéphanie, LEYRONAS Christophe, CATTEAU Olivier, Rethinking skills-based assessment of business plans
  • MAALOUL MROUA Emna, COURRENT Jean-Marie, ZERIBI BENSLIMANE Olfa, CSR in "post-revolution" Tunisia: Contextualization of a Universal Concept
  • MAHE DE BOISLANDELLE Henri, ESTEVE Jean-Marie, L'implication réticulaire des intrapreneurs en PME, potentiel ignoré du dirigeant
  • MANI Yosra, LAKHAL Lassaad, The antecedents and consequences of entrepreneurial orientation within family businesses: Exploring the role of organizational culture
  • MARIN Aramis, SCHMITT Christophe, Projet entrepreneurial et projet de vie : l'accompagnement remis en question (Entrepreneurial project and life project: support called into question)
  • MAUS Amandine, SAMMUT Sylvie, Une approche collective des capacités dynamiques. The case of incubators
  • MAZARI Lyes, BERGER-DOUCE Sandrine, DESCHAMPS Bérangère, Determinants of the legitimacy of the external buyer of an SME
  • MEIAR Alain, VERSTRAETE Thierry, Essai de conceptualisation de la notion de faux pas
  • MILIANI Vanina, TOMA Yann, CHERIF BEN MILED Hela, PRATLONG Florent, Artist-entrepreneurs: a proposed typology
  • MORALES Adriano Barasal, HAMELIN Anaïs, PFIFFELMANN Marie, Heterogeneity among entrepreneurs: a focus on entrepreneur's cognitive process and a research agenda
  • MOUHLI Karim, Responsibilities and ethics of the new manager in the emergence and maintenance of the post-takeover sensemaking process
  • MOYSAN Charlotte, TORRES Olivier, AUGUSTIN Bernard-Marie, Étude des états émotionnels et leurs impacts sur la santé de deux stressurs entrepreneuriaux : La procédure collective (dépôt de faillite) et la surcharge de travail
  • NAKARA Walid, MESSEGHEM Karim, RAMAROSON Andry, Product and service innovation in a context of precariousness: a multi-level analysis
  • NASSIRI Farouk, LOUITRI Abdenbi, Social objectification of strategy in FE
  • NAUDIN Annette, The significance of place in 'becoming' a cultural entrepreneur
  • OUZINI Meriem, MAATOUG Sonia, Le coworking comme moyen pour booster l'entrepreneuriat agricole. The case of small-scale beekeepers
  • PAULUS Odile, Teaching entrepreneurs to correspond with stakeholders
  • RENOUF Jérémie, The professional transition process from hybrid to full-time entrepreneurship
  • RIVENET Nathalie, Identifying sources of entrepreneurial opportunity in participation in the mini-enterprise competition: developing entrepreneurial skills.
  • ROUAULT Frank, KHALAF Hadi, Intrapreneurship as a new way of work: an exploratory research Exploring "Work Dimensions" for Intrapreneurs
  • SARROUY-WATKINS Nathalie, MBENGUE Ababacar, Balde Cheikh LOUE Christophe, L'influence du genre, de l'âge et de la nationalité sur l'aspiration à l'identité de rôle d'entrepreneur.
  • SATTIN Jean-François, CHABAUD Didier, Working time and work-life balance of entrepreneurs: A European perspective
  • SFEIR Soumaya, A Review of Literature of Board of Directors' Composition in Family Firms to study its impact on succession planning
  • ST PIERRE Josée, BERTRAND Jacques, RAZAFINDRAZAKA Tinasoa, Innovation and SMEs: Influence of the territory on the "ways" of innovating
  • TARILLON Caroline, ENJOLRAS Geoffroy, Start-up rating: definition, issues and measurement
  • TESSIER DARGENT Christel, DESCHAMPS Bérangère, Reprendre une entreprise par contrainte : difficultés et opportunités
  • THEODORAKI Christina, CATANZARO ALEXIS, Extending the entrepreneurial ecosystem concept through an international perspective
  • TIXIER julie, NOTAIS Amélie, Re-faire le genre au travers de l'entrepreneuriat : les femmes des quartiers comme actrices d'une nouvelle construction du genre
  • TORRES Olivier, GUILIANI Florence, KAMEI Katsuyuki, THURIK Roy, Empirical elements of an entrepreneurial salutogenesis
  • TREMBLAY Diane-Gabrielle, HUESCA DEHESA Ana Dalia, Cultural entrepreneurship and creativity: the situation of immigrant creators in Montreal
  • VALEAU Patrick, The moderating effect of openness to change on the relationship between perceived performance decline and intention to sell the company
  • ZAHRANE Tarik, Le Rapport au savoir entrepreneurial : l'effet filière
  • ZIDANI Médine, MORICEAU Jean-Luc, Portraits of the entrepreneur as rapper