[LUM#19] Full of energy

The 19th issue of Lum magazine, published in April 2023, explores the question of energy, from its production to its consumption and delicate management.
It's a theme that's more front and center than ever: we're running out of energy. This multi-faceted crisis highlights our dependence on energy to heat, move, light and feed ourselves... Mobilizing this energy means knowing how to produce, store, consume and regulate it. It's a multi-faceted challenge involving a wide range of research fields: geology, chemistry, nuclear energy, biology, economics, political science and marketing.
How can we gradually reduce our oil consumption? How can we explore the full potential of geothermal energy? How can we produce solar energy on agricultural plots? These are just some of the production-related questions addressed at the start of this magazine, which also looks at the consumption of this precious energy.
Social science research is also at the heart of the energy crisis. Economics and political science help us to understand how electricity prices are set, or how fuel poverty can be measured to better address it. Or why rising fuel prices were the trigger for the Yellow Vests crisis. As for marketing, it can build tools to encourage consumers to adopt sustainable behaviors.
Better energy management also means knowing what to do with nuclear waste, reducing the impact of wind turbines on biodiversity, optimizing wood combustion processes and developing innovative batteries to store intermittent energy.
Fill up on energy alongside the researchers who are putting their all into solving this crisis by reading this 19th issue of Lum magazine, now in an expanded version, which includes access to the UM podcasts: A l'UM la science and Lumlu.
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Articles in this issue