Montpellier Association of Orthoptic Students (AMEO)

The association's activities and objectives

AMEO is a student association created in 2008 to represent students in the orthoptic field.

The aim of the association is to raise awareness of the training program among a wide range of audiences. That's why AMEO takes part in a wide range of events, from student fairs to university open days.

It cooperates with other associations on Prevention, Citizenship and Solidarity events, including the Valentin Haüy association. It is also involved in the development and improvement of training in the orthoptics department and the orthoptist profession itself, in order to provide students with the best possible information. This year, it has set up a tutoring system to help first-year students, most of whom are in their first year of higher education. To this end, AMEO is a member of the FFEO (Fédération Française des Étudiants en Orthoptie) and the AGEM.
AMEO is keen to ensure that the school's students enjoy their years of study and their student life, and ensures cohesion between the different years by organizing a cohesion weekend for example, festive events, a secret Santa Claus, textiles with the AMEO logo.

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