Tutorat Santé Nîmes (TSN)

The association's activities and objectives

The Tutorat Santé Nîmes brings together almost 90 tutors in 2nd and 3rd year medical or maieutic courses.

Its aim is to prepare students in their first year of health studies (PASS or LAS) for the first-year entrance exams. The association, managed by these same students, is in contact with the University of Montpellier and the professors who draw up the subjects for these exams.

Holder of the "Agrément ministériel des Tutorats du Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Research " (M.E.S.R.I.) since 2010, Tutorat Santé Nîmes offers both educational and moral support services, ALL FREE of charge and of the highest quality, to ensure equal opportunities for all students.

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