Tenured teaching staff

University professors and lecturers

The University of Montpellier recruits lecturers and university professors by competitive examination.

Eligibility requirements

For information on the conditions to be met in order to apply, please refer to thedecree of February 6, 2023 concerning the general terms and conditions for transfers, secondments and competitive recruitment of university professors and lecturers:

Application form

Consult job descriptions and register on the Galaxie application of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research.

Candidates access the dedicated application using the username and password held during a previous login. If you have never logged in before, you will be marked as a "New Candidate". The dedicated application allows you to create a user account and set a password. Upon validation of the account creation, the dedicated application indicates a candidate number, which will be used as a login identifier for future connections.

Candidates select the type of application corresponding to their situation (transfer, secondment, competitive recruitment, foreign candidates).

Please note: Candidates must submit only the documents requested in the Order of February 6, 2023. All other documents will be withdrawn.

Cover letters and letters of recommendation are not accepted.

Administrative documents and the examination report written in whole or in part in a foreign language must be accompanied by a translation into French, the conformity of which the candidate certifies on his or her honor. Translation of the analytical presentation is optional, and foreign-language works, books, articles and achievements may be accompanied by a French-language summary.

Any application incomplete by the above-mentioned deadline will be declared inadmissible.

2024 synchronized session recruitment campaign

Start date: September1, 2024

Ongoing recruitment

Start date: September1, 2024

Registration from February 28, 2024 (10 a.m.) to March 29, 2024 (4 p.m.)

Conditions to apply, job description, application form and selection committee composition: Galaxie.

Start date: November 1, 2024

Registration from 14/06 (10am) to 15/07 (4pm)

Conditions to apply, job description, application form and selection committee composition: Galaxie.

Secondary school teachers

The1st recruitment campaign for secondary school teachers 2024 at the University of Montpellier is open from 09/10/2023 to 08/11/2023.


  • Be a civil servant employed by the Ministry of Education and Youth on 01/09/2024 (professeur agrégé, certifié, lycée professionnel, physical education and sports teacher);
  • Be in a position of activity, availability, secondment or leave of absence;
  • For other cases, please refer to BO n°30 of 27/07/2023, service note DGRH-B2-2 of 03/07/2023.


Step 1: Consult job descriptions on the departmental application GALAXIE, module VEGA

14 positions are available:



Physical Sciences


  • 1 position at the Carcassonne Faculty of Education Fiche de poste n°1205
    Audition date: 07/12/2023 (afternoon)



Electrical Engineering and Industrial Computing

Economics and Management Option: Communication, organization and human resources management

  • 1 position at IUT Montpellier-Sète Job sheet n°0611
    Audition date: 12/12/2023 (morning)


Step 2: Submitting the digital application on VEGA

From October 09, 2023 10:00 am to November 08, 2023 4:00 pm, candidates must submit their applications on VEGA, carefully following the ministerial instructions detailed in VEGA.

The digital application file must include :

  • A curriculum vitae
  • A letter of motivation
  • Copy of both sides of identity card
  • A copy of the decree justifying classification in the 1st degree corps
  • A copy of the latest assignment order

To ensure that your application is processed as quickly as possible, please register as soon as possible.

CAUTION: Only the application confirmation issued in VEGA is proof of registration.


  • Start of publication of vacancies on the Galaxie application: October 09, 2023
  • Opening of the GALAXIE application, module VEGA for the submission of digital files: October 09, 2023 at 10:00 a.m.
  • Application deadline on the VEGA application: November 08 at 4:00 pm
  • Provisional period for auditioning candidates: from November 24, 2023 to December 14, 2023
  • Entry of candidates' assignment wishes in VEGA: January 12, 2024 at 10:00 am to January 19, 2024 at 4:00 pm
  • Display of results in VEGA: January 23, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.
  • Start date: September 1, 2024

View the composition of assignment committees.

IMPORTANT: the results will be published online in VEGA.
All ranked candidates will have 8 days to express their acceptance wishes (acceptance or refusal) in VEGA from January 12, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. to January 19, 2024 at 4:00 p.m.
Any candidate who does not reply within the allotted time will be considered to have definitively withdrawn from the assignment, and any acceptance will be considered definitive.

1st grade teachers

The University of Montpellier is recruiting a primary school teacher for the start of the 2024 academic year. Registrations are open from October 09, 2023 at 10:00 am to November 8, 2023 at 4:00 pm.


  • Be a tenured civil servant and a primary school teacher on 01/09/2024,
  • Be on active status, secondment or leave of absence;


1 Position to be filled:


Candidates must submit their applications on VEGA between October 09, 2023 10am and November 08, 2023 4pm, carefully following the ministerial instructions detailed in VEGA.

The digital application file must include :

  • A curriculum vitae
  • A letter of motivation
  • Copy of both sides of identity card
  • A copy of the decree justifying classification in the 1st degree corps
  • A copy of the latest assignment order

To ensure that your application is processed as quickly as possible, please register as soon as possible.

ATTENTION: Only the application confirmation issued in VEGA certifies the candidate's registration.


  • Start of publication of vacancies on the Galaxie application: October 09, 2023
  • Opening of the GALAXIE application, module VEGA for the submission of digital files: October 09, 2023 at 10 a.m.
  • Application deadline on the VEGA application: November 08 at 4:00 pm
  • Provisional period for auditioning candidates: from November 24, 2023 to December 14, 2023
  • Entry of candidates' assignment wishes in VEGA: January 12, 2024 at 10:00 am to January 19, 2024 at 4:00 pm
  • Display of results in VEGA: January 23, 2024 at 10 a.m.
  • Start date: September 1, 2024

View the composition of the assignment committee.

IMPORTANT: the result will be posted online in VEGA. All ranked candidates will have 8 days to express their acceptance wishes (acceptance or refusal) in VEGA from January 12, 2024 at 10:00 am to January 19, 2024 at 4:00 pm.
Any candidate who does not reply within the time limit will be considered to have definitively withdrawn from the assignment, and any acceptance will be considered definitive.

Junior Professorships

Junior professorships are a way of recruiting for research and teaching projects. These professors are recruited on a fixed-term contract under public law, for a period of between 3 and 6 years, and are eligible for tenure in the corps of university professors or equivalent.

How to apply: consult the order of February 6, 2023


The University of Montpellier is recruiting three junior professorships in sections 26, 33-60 and 64:

  • Artificial Intelligence for Biology-Health
    Faculty of Science - Pôle de recherche Biologie Santé / Laboratory of Pathogens and Host Immunity (LPHI)
    Information and contact: see the job description
    Anticipated audition date: to be published
  • Materials and their interactions with the environment in an urban setting
    Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Montpellier / Faculté des Sciences / Polytech Montpellier - Pôle de recherche Chimie / Institut Européen des Membranes (IEM)
    Information and contact: see job description
    Audition dates: to be announced
  • Epidemiology and statistics of large-scale data for exposomics and environmental health
    Faculté de Médecine - Pôle de recherche Biologie Santé / Institut Debrest d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique IDESP)
    Information and contact: see job description
    Anticipated audition date: to be announced


The University of Montpellier is recruiting three junior professorships in sections 05, 27-64-65-66 and 60:

  • Transition Énergétique et Consommation éco-responsable (TECER) Faculty of Economics - Pôle de recherche Sciences Sociales / Laboratoire Montpellier Research en Economie (MRE)
    Information and contact: see job description
    Provisional audition date: to be published
  • Diversity of mechanical performance of timber for use in structures
    Nîmes IUT and Faculty of Science - Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics and Systems Research Cluster /
    Mechanics and Civil Engineering Laboratory (LMGC)
    Information and contact: see job description
    Anticipated date of auditions: to be published
  • Chair for the Integration of Artificial Intelligence at the Heart of Research Arthritis (CHIARA)
    Faculty of Medicine - Biology and Health Research Cluster / Physiology and Experimental Medicine of the Heart and Muscles Laboratory (PHYMEDEXP)
    Information and contact: see the job description
    Provisional date for auditions: to be published

Application form

Registration from May 16, 2024 (10 a.m.) to August 28, 2024 (4 p.m. ) on the Galaxie application application of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research.

How to apply?

The application form is entirely paperless and can be submitted via the the Galaxie application

Application form

It includes the following documents:

  • The application form is available on Galaxie,
  • Photo ID,
  • Proof of possession of a doctorate, as provided for inarticle L. 612-7 of the French Education Codeor a diploma, title or qualification whose equivalence is recognized in accordance with the procedure laid down in 1° of article 5 of the aforementioned decree of December 17, 2021,
  • The diploma defense report, or an attestation from the school certifying that no defense report has been drawn up,
  • An analytical presentation of works, books, articles, achievements and activities related to the job profile, mentioning those that the candidate intends to present at the audition,
  • One copy of each of the works, books, articles and achievements mentioned in the analytical presentation and which the candidate intends to present at the audition, not exceeding six documents.

Administrative documents and the examination report written in whole or in part in a foreign language must be accompanied by a French translation, the conformity of which the candidate certifies on his or her honor. Translation of the analytical presentation is optional, and foreign-language works, books, articles and achievements may be accompanied by a French-language summary.

Any application incomplete by the above-mentioned deadline will be declared inadmissible.

  • Compositions of the six selection committees can be consulted on Galaxie
  • Audition dates: early September to early October 2024.

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