[LUM#10] Health revolutions

With a special feature entitled Révolutions santé, this 10th issue of Lum invites you to discover how medical research, both clinical and fundamental, continues to make progress, enabling everyone to live and age better. Curing cancer, relieving migraines, delaying Alzheimer's disease, combating depression or infertility - these are just some of the revolutionary feats already underway or on the way.

The architects of these revolutions open the doors of their departments and laboratories, inviting you to discover the genesis and incredible results of their research.

Also in this issue: revelations about the link between diet and depression, industrial fishing that starves seabirds, our relationship with the passage of time deciphered, and a wine made from an unusual fertilizer...

But first, sharpen your perception of the world and immerse yourself in the silent universe of these mysterious cetaceans, who reveal previously hidden senses.

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