Equality & Diversity

Preventing discrimination and promoting diversity are central to the values and missions of the civil service. The University of Montpellier is committed to promoting gender equality, combating disability-related discrimination, racism and anti-Semitism, and discrimination based on sexual orientation and identity.

Gender equality

The program of actions to promote gender equality culminates in the month of March (see Donner des Elles à l'UM), but throughout the year, the Gender Equality Office of the Quality of Life at Work Department organizes events, workshops, meetings, etc., to examine women's working lives and make them more dynamic.

All these initiatives, aimed at instilling a culture of equality, are part of broader action plans to promote gender equality in the workplace. The new plan (2023-2025) includes thirty new actions to be deployed.

Contacts: Gender equality officer: Agnès Fichard-Carroll - F/H Equality Office

"Donner des Elles à l'UM / International Women's Rights Day Month

Every year, the month of March, with its exhibitions, debates, conferences, workshops, films and shows, is an invitation to question the situation of women at university and in society.

Dare! L'ESR au féminin ® " training course

For over 10 years, the university has been running the "Oser ! L'ESR au féminin ®" program (formerly known as "Springboard®") to enable female teachers, researchers and administrative and support staff to take a more positive approach to their careers, boost their self-confidence and enhance their self-esteem and communication skills. The workshops take place over 3 face-to-face days, interspersed with 2 remote webinars... with a little work between sessions.

Sexual harassment and gender-based violence in higher education

Sexual harassment is a form of violence that particularly affects women and sustains inequalities between women and men. Since the law of August 6, 2012, the punishment for this offence defined in article 222-33 of the penal code has been strengthened. Yet highlighting the persistence of such acts has remained too confidential for the reprobation enshrined in the Penal Code to echo a reprobation of all and sundry, in social life, in working life, or in higher education and research establishments.

To report sexist or sexual violence:

Fighting LGBT+phobia

48% of French LGBT+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans) young people in the 18-24 age bracket have been victims of harassment in the last five years, and 92% have witnessed negative comments or behavior at school towards a classmate considered LGBT. Manifestations of rejection are also particularly numerous in the workplace.

Around 600 staff at the University of Montpellier responded to a survey proposed by the association l'Autre Cercle. 75% of respondents thought it was necessary to organize awareness-raising events.

To say no to discrimination linked to sexual orientation and gender identity, in 2016, the University of Montpellier was the first French university to sign the charter of the association L'Autre Cercle, aimed at promoting the inclusion of LGBT+ people in the world of work. Then, in 2022, it pursued its commitment by signing a new version of this charter, which now includes students.

As a culmination of this commitment, every year the University of Montpellier organizes a week dedicated to the fight against LGBT+phobia, and takes part in the Montpellier Pride March.

Racism, anti-Semitism and secularism

At the end of March, during the National Week of Education and Action against Racism and Anti-Semitism, various actions highlight the UM's commitment to combating anti-Semitism and racial discrimination, and promote the values on which the Republic is founded: liberty, equality and fraternity.

The UM has appointed a secularism officer whose mission is to ensure that the principle of secularism is respected within the university, and to coordinate the various actions taken in this direction within the university.

Commitment to people with disabilities

Disability is everyone's business... On this basis, the University of Montpellier has developed a policy described in the Disability Master Plan, based on the principle of including people with disabilities in the university community.

In addition to the accommodations provided for in the regulations, the University of Montpellier offers concrete, specific actions concerning recruitment, support, adjustments to studies and examinations, job retention and the participation of people with disabilities in intra- and extra-university activities. These are just a few of the many ways in which disabled people can make the most of their disability, and dare to assert themselves as disabled students and staff.

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