Administrative, technical, library and healthcare staff

Transfers and secondments


You are a permanent employee (state, local or hospital civil servant) and you would like to join the University of Montpellier.

The University offers positions in the ITRF field. There are several possibilities for mobility:

  • transfer: this occurs when the civil servant changes posting but does not change body or grade.
  • secondment: when the civil servant belongs to a body other than that of the post to be filled.

Positions are advertised throughout the year on the Place de l'Emploi Public website.

Tenured civil servants wishing to join the University of Montpellier may submit an unsolicited application by sending their curriculum vitae, a letter of motivation and their latest promotion order to the attention of :

  • University of Montpellier

Human Resources Manager

5 Bd Henri IV - CS 19044

34967 Montpellier cedex 2, France


You are a permanent employee (state, local or hospital civil servant) and you would like to join the University of Montpellier.

There are a number of ways to become mobile:

  • transfer: this occurs when the civil servant changes posting but does not change body or grade.
  • secondment: when the civil servant belongs to a body other than that of the post to be filled.

Positions are advertised throughout the year on the Place de l'Emploi Public website.

Tenured civil servants wishing to join the University of Montpellier may submit an unsolicited application by sending their curriculum vitae, a letter of motivation and their latest promotion order to the attention of :

  • University of Montpellier

Human Resources Manager

5 Bd Henri IV - CS 19044

34967 Montpellier cedex 2, France

Permanent AENES staff can also apply for positions advertised in the inter- or intra-academic phases via the AMIA application.

External and internal competitions


Every year, the Ministry of Higher Education and Research recruits engineers and technical staff for research and training (ITRF).

ITRF competitive examinations are organized by professional activity (8 BAPs) and by job types (242 professions): consult the profession reference framework.

For more information on research and training careers, entry requirements and the nature of the exams, visit the Ministry's website.

To help you prepare, consult: the external competitive examination syllabuses, the annals, the practical candidate's guide.

N.B.: The competitions cover the following bodies:

  • category A: research engineer, design engineer and assistant engineer
  • category B: research and training technician
  • category C: senior technical assistant 2nd class for research and training.

A single portal for information, registration, follow-up, results and wish entry from the Ministry's website.

Session 2024

Registration for I.T.R.F. competitions

The file can be downloaded from April 2, 2024 (12 noon, Paris time) to April 30, 2024 (12 noon, Paris time).

The duly completed application form must be returned by registered post to the competition organizing center, postmarked no later than midnight on April 30, 2024.

Category A positions

  • BAP E "Computer Science, Statistics and Scientific Computing
  • ASI - external - "Infrastructure Manager" (1 position)
  • BAP F "Culture, Communication, Production and dissemination of knowledge".
    • IGE - external - "Engineer for digital education" (2 positions)
  • BAP G "Buildings, logistics, catering and prevention".
    • IGR - internal - "Engineer in charge of real estate or logistics" (1 position)
  • BAP J "Management and Steering
    • IGR - internal - "Head of administration and operational management" (2 positions)
    • IGE - Internal - "Human Resources Management Officer" (1 position)
    • IGE - external - "Research Project Support Officer" (1 position)
    • IGE - external - "Financial and Accounting Manager" (1 position)
    • IGE - internal - "Head of administrative management and operational management support" (1 position)
    • ASI - external - "Administrative Management Assistant" (1 position)
    • ASI - internal - "Administrative Management Assistant" (1 position)

Category B and C posts

Any job descriptions are published by the center organizing the competition, after validation by the jury expert.

  • BAP A "Life, earth and environmental sciences
    • TECH - external - "Biological technician" (1 position) organized by INSA Toulouse
    • ATRF P - external - "Soigneur-se
  • BAP B "Chemical and Materials Sciences
    • TECH - externe - "Technicien-ne en Chimie et Sciences physiques" (1 position) organized by the Montpellier School Board
  • BAP C "Engineering sciences and scientific instrumentation
  • BAP E "Computer Science, Statistics and Scientific Computing
    • TECH - external - "Technicien-ne d'exploitation, d'assistance et de traitement de l'information" (1 position) organized by the University of Toulouse
  • BAP F "Culture, Communication, Production and dissemination of knowledge".
  • BAP G "Buildings, logistics, catering and prevention".
    • TECH - external - "High or low current electrical technician" (1 position)
    • TECH - internal - "Logistics Technician" (1 position)
    • ATRF P - internal - "Logistics Operator" (1 position) organized by CROUS de Toulouse
    • ATRF P - internal - "Gardener" (1 position)
  • BAP J "Management and Steering
    • TECH - internal - "Human Resources Manager" (1 position) organized by Toulouse 2 Jean Jaurès University
    • TECH - internal - "Administrative Management Technician" (1 position) organized by the University of Bordeaux
    • TECH - internal - "Financial and Accounting Manager" (1 position) organized by Toulouse 2 Jean Jaurès University
    • TECH - external - "Financial and Accounting Manager
    • ATRF P - internal - "Administrative Management Assistant" (4 positions) organized by INU Champollion
    • ATRF P - external - "Administrative Management Assistant" (1 position) organized by Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier University

Competition results


For all information on entry requirements, the nature of the tests, the programs, the timetable and registration for the competitions, consult: the Ministry website, the Montpellier Academy website.

Recruitment without competition


External recruitment without competitive examination enables unqualified individuals to gain direct access to the grade of 2nd class technical assistant for research and training, without having to sit a competitive examination.

These recruitments are open to all establishments.

Useful links: MENESR portal

Session 2024

Open positions at the University of Montpellier


For further information:

Provisional dates for candidate pre-selection committees :

  • Bap G Logistics operator: late May / early June 2024.
  • Bap J Administrative Management Assistant: late May / early June 2024.

Provisional dates for candidate audition committees :

  • Bap G Logistics operator: late June/early July 2024.
  • Bap J Administrative Management Assistant: end of June/beginning of July 2024.

Results :


External recruitment without competition for library storekeepers.

They give unqualified people direct access to the grade of library storekeeper, without having to sit a competitive examination.

These recruitments are open to all establishments.

Useful links: MESRI portal


For more information on these recruitment drives, visit the Académie de Montpellier website.

PACTE recruitment


The aim of this recruitment scheme is to help young people with no qualifications or few qualifications, or people aged 45 and over who are long-term unemployed, into employment. These people are recruited as non-tenured members of the 2nd class technical research and training assistant corps, in which they are eligible for tenure on the basis of their professional aptitude and training.

Useful links: MESRI portal, France Travail.

Requirements for this recruitment :

  • be aged between 16 and 28 and have left the education system without a diploma or recognized vocational qualification, or without a general, technological or vocational baccalaureate,
  • be aged 45 or over, long-term unemployed and receiving minimum social benefits,
  • meet the general conditions for access to the civil service: nationality (French or citizen of a member state of the European Union or the European Economic Area), criminal record, civic rights, national service and physical fitness

Session 2024

Open position at the University of Montpellier

  • BAP G logistics operator - job description
    Composition jury (to be published)


  • Step 1: Consult therecruitment notice
  • Step 2: Send your application to France Travail
  • Dates: September 19 to October 18, 2024
  • Applications must be sent by post by registered mail (date as postmark) before the closing date for applications to the following address: Agence France Travail PE34012 - ALE Montpellier-Castelnau, 400 avenue Marcel Dassault, CS10012, 34171 Castelnau-le-Lez
    Or directly by email to the advisor.

For information: committee dates (pre-selection and audition of candidates): during November 2024.

Results :


For all information on these recruitments, visit the: Académie de Montpellier website.


Contractual recruitment offered to the BOE

This is a contractual recruitment procedure for category A, B or C jobs, leading to tenure.


  • be recognized as a disabled worker or a beneficiary of the French employment obligation,
  • not be a civil servant,
  • have the same qualifications as those required of candidates in external competitions for access to the post concerned,
  • the person's disability must be deemed compatible with the job applied for by an approved doctor.

The contract is concluded for a period equivalent to that of a training period for a successful candidate in a competitive examination (generally one year). At the end of the contract, and after passing an interview with a panel of judges declaring the candidate professionally fit for the job, the candidate is given permanent status and becomes a civil servant.



Position to be filled:

  • Administrative assistant for National Education and Higher Education: 1 position

Consult the Ministry of Education job description


  • closed on Friday, March 22, 2024.




  • BAP G Principal technical assistant 2nd class for research and training "logistics operator": 1 position
    Job description
  • BAP J 2nd class senior technical assistant for research and training "administrative management assistant": 1 position
    Job description

Registration :

Dates : September 3 to October 2, 2024.

Sending the file :

Applications must be sent by registered post from September 3, 2024 and no later than October 2, 2024 (date as postmark) to :

  • University of Montpellier
    DRH - Service recrutement, formation et accompagnement - CC 441
    163 rue Auguste Broussonnet
    34090 Montpellier

NB : only a registered letter can certify that the application deadline has been met, in the event of a dispute. Hand-delivered applications will not be accepted.

For information: provisional dates for commissions (pre-selection and audition of candidates): mid-October / during November 2024.

Results: results will only be sent by post to the personal address given on the application form.


In addition to the usual means of professional promotion - internal competitive examinations, professional exams or registration on a list of suitable candidates - article 93 of the August 6, 2019 law on the transformation of the civil service provides for a special procedure, on an experimental basis, enabling a disabled civil servant to access a higher-level or higher-category body or job category by means of secondment, followed, where appropriate, by integration into the body or job category concerned.


Be a civil servant and meet the following 2 cumulative conditions:

  • belong to one of the BOE categories mentioned in 1°, 2°, 3°, 4°, 9°, 10° and 11° of Article L. 5212-13 of the French Labor Code
  • provide proof of a certain number of years of public service (as stipulated in the specific regulations of the secondment body for access to this body via the internal competition)

Selection procedure :

Applications are submitted to a selection committee. The commission examines the applications and assesses each candidate's professional suitability for the tasks to be carried out by the seconded body, before drawing up a list of candidates selected for an interview.



Position offered on secondment :

  • Registration and submission

Closed since June 3, 2024.



Position offered on secondment :

  • Administrative management technician: 1 position at the University of Montpellier
    Job description

Consult the recruitment notice

Conditions and submission of applications

Candidates must be category C civil servants with valid proof of their status as beneficiaries of the employment obligation, and have at least 4 years' actual public service as of January 1, 2024.

  • Registration and submission

The opening date is set for Friday, September 6, 2024, and the deadline for sending complete applications is Monday, October 7, 2024.

Applications must be sent by registered mail only, postmarked to :

University of Montpellier
DRH - Service recrutement, formation et accompagnement - CC 441
163 rue Auguste Broussonnet
34090 Montpellier

NB: only a registered letter can certify that the application deadline has been met, in the event of a dispute. Hand-delivered applications will not be accepted.

  • The application file consists of of the following items:
    • download the registration form and the application form for recognition of professional experience
    • the state of the public services BOE promotion to download
    • a copy of a valid document proving that the employee falls into one of the following categories:
      • disabled worker recognized by the CDAPH ;
      • holder of an occupational accident or disease pension ;
      • holder of a disability pension ;
      • holder of a military invalidity or victim of war pension ;
      • volunteer fireman with a disability pension ;
      • holder of the "mobility inclusion" card with "disability" mention;
      • disabled adult allowance.
    • the latest promotion order
    • a copy of a valid, double-sided identity document
    • if you wish to have a test adapted, you must provide a medical certificate, drawn up by an approved doctor and less than six months old, specifying the adjustments you require.

For further information:
Recruitment will take place in October and November 2024. Applications will be submitted to a selection committee. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to an interview.
The successful candidate will be seconded to the "TECHNICIENS DE RECHERCHE ET DE FORMATION de classe normale" corps for a period of one year. At the end of the secondment, the civil servant must be declared professionally fit to be integrated into the host body, following an interview and on the basis of an assessment report by the hierarchical superior.

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