[LUM#12] Biodiversity in the second grade

With a special report on the effects of global warming on biodiversity, this twelfth issue of Lum invites you to meet the researchers who are helping us to better understand this phenomenon, to assess its impact and to find solutions to deal with it.
Follow the changing face of French flora as a result of rising temperatures, or the worrying decline in marine biomass that will affect the oceans by 2100.
Also on the agenda: a prosthesis capable of restoring sensation to an amputated limb, the dissemination strategy adopted by the Zika virus, and a treatment enabling HIV-positive mothers to breastfeed in complete safety.
But first, Lum takes you far, far away, in the icy footsteps of Nacim Guellati, a UM student on a mission to survey marine species in Antarctica, a potential refuge from human activity and its consequences. Explore our portfolio to follow his extraordinary adventure, and join him on board the Arctic Sunrise, Greenpeace's legendary vessel.
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Articles in this issue